Designing User Experience: A Guide to Hci, UX and Interaction Design, 4/e (美國原版)

Benyon, David




Designing User Experience presents a comprehensive introduction to the practical issue of creating interactive systems, services and products from a human-centred perspective. It develops the principles and methods of human-computer interaction (HCI) and Interaction Design (ID) to deal with the design of twenty-first-century computing and the demands for improved user experience (UX). It brings together the key theoretical foundations of human experiences when people interact with and through technologies. It explores UX in a wide variety of environments and contexts.




Professor David Benyon is Professor of Human-Computer Systems and Director of the Centre for Interaction Design at Edinburgh Napier University, UK. He has been working in the area of human-computer interaction and interaction design for over 25 years. He has written widely on the subject with over 150 refereed publications covering HCI, interaction design and user experience. He is involved in many leading-edge research and development projects that prototype and evaluate future interactions of people with new and emerging technologies.


David Benyon教授是英國愛丁堡納皮爾大學人機系統教授和互動設計中心主任。他在人機互動和互動設計領域已有超過25年的工作經驗。他廣泛撰寫了150多篇經過同行評審的論文,涵蓋了人機互動、互動設計和使用者體驗等主題。他參與了許多前沿的研究和開發項目,用於原型製作和評估人們與新興技術的未來互動方式。