Principles of Marketing, 16/e (IE-Paperback)

Philip Kotler Gary Armstrong



Help students learn how to create customer value and engagementIn a fast-changing, increasingly digital and social marketplace, it's more vital than ever for marketers to develop meaningful connections with their customers. Principles of Marketing helps students master today's key marketing challenge: to create vibrant, interactive communities of consumers who make products and brands an integral part of their daily lives. To help students understand how to create value and build customer relationships, Kotler and Armstrong present fundamental marketing information within an innovative customer-value framework.Thoroughly revised to reflect the major trends impacting contemporary marketing, this edition is packed with stories illustrating how companies use new digital technologies to maximize customer engagement and shape brand conversations, experiences, and communities. MyMarketingLab not included. Students, if MyMarketingLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyMarketingLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.MyMarketingLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts. Also available with MyMarketingLab This title is also available with MyMarketingLab-an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Hands-on activities and exercises enable students to better understand and master course concepts, and the skills required to be successful marketers today.Please note that the product you are purchasing does not include MyMarketingLab. MyMarketingLab Join over 11 million students benefiting from Pearson MyLabs.This title can be supported by MyMarketingLab, an online homework and tutorial system designed to test and build your understanding. Would you like to use the power of MyMarketingLab to accelerate your learning? You need both an access card and a course ID to access MyMarketingLab. These are the steps you need to take:1. Make sure that your lecturer is already using the system Ask your lecturer before purchasing a MyLab product as you will need a course ID from them before you can gain access to the system.2. Check whether an access card has been included with the book at a reduced cost If it has, it will be on the inside back cover of the book.3. If you have a course ID but no access code, you can benefit from MyMarketingLab at a reduced price by purchasing a pack containing a copy of the book and an access code for MyMarketingLab (ISBN:9781292092591)4. If your lecturer is using the MyLab and you would like to purchase the product...Go to to buy access to this interactive study programme. For educator access, contact your Pearson representative. To find out who your Pearson representative is, visit


Part 1. Defining Marketing and the Marketing Process

◾ 1. Marketing: Creating Customer Value and Engagement

◾ 2. Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to Build Customer Engagement, Value, and Relationships

Part 2. Understanding the Marketplace and Customer Value

◾ 3. Analyzing the Marketing Environment

◾ 4. Managing Marketing Information to Gain Customer Insights

◾ 5. Consumer Markets and Buyer Behavior

◾ 6. Business Markets and Business Buyer Behavior

Part 3. Designing a Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy and Mix

◾ 7. Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy: Creating Value for Target Customers

◾ 8. Product, Services, and Brands: Building Customer Value

◾ 9. Developing New Products and Managing the Product Life Cycle

◾ 10. Pricing: Understanding and Capturing Customer Value

◾ 11. Pricing Strategies: Additional Considerations

◾ 12. Marketing Channels: Delivering Customer Value

◾ 13. Retailing and Wholesaling

◾ 14. Engaging Customers and Communicating Customer Value

◾ 15. Advertising and Public Relations

◾ 16. Personal Selling and Sales Promotion

◾ 17. Direct, Online, Social Media, and Mobile Marketing

Part 4. Extending Marketing

◾ 18. Creating Competitive Advantage

◾ 19. The Global Marketplace

◾ 20. Social Responsibility and Ethics