The Digital Doctor: Hope, Hype, and Harm at the Dawn of Medicine's Computer Age

Robert Wachter

  • 出版商: McGraw-Hill Education
  • 出版日期: 2017-03-31
  • 定價: $770
  • 售價: 9.0$693
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 352
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1260019608
  • ISBN-13: 9781260019605
  • 相關分類: ARM
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)


The New York Times Science Bestseller from Robert Wachter, Modern Healthcare’s #1 Most Influential Physician-Executive in the US

While modern medicine produces miracles, it also delivers care that is too often unsafe, unreliable, unsatisfying, and impossibly expensive. For the past few decades, technology has been touted as the cure for all of healthcare’s ills.

But medicine stubbornly resisted computerization – until now. Over the past five years, thanks largely to billions of dollars in federal incentives, healthcare has finally gone digital.

Yet once clinicians started using computers to actually deliver care, it dawned on them that something was deeply wrong. Why were doctors no longer making eye contact with their patients? How could one of America’s leading hospitals give a teenager a 39-fold overdose of a common antibiotic, despite a state-of-the-art computerized prescribing system? How could a recruiting ad for physicians tout the absence of an electronic medical record as a major selling point?

Logically enough, we’ve pinned the problems on clunky software, flawed implementations, absurd regulations, and bad karma. It was all of those things, but it was also something far more complicated. And far more interesting . . .

Written with a rare combination of compelling stories and hard-hitting analysis by one of the nation’s most thoughtful physicians, The Digital Doctor examines healthcare at the dawn of its computer age. It tackles the hard questions, from how technology is changing care at the bedside to whether government intervention has been useful or destructive. And it does so with clarity, insight, humor, and compassion. Ultimately, it is a hopeful story.

"We need to recognize that computers in healthcare don’t simply replace my doctor’s scrawl with Helvetica 12," writes the author Dr. Robert Wachter. "Instead, they transform the work, the people who do it, and their relationships with each other and with patients. . . . Sure, we should have thought of this sooner. But it’s not too late to get it right."

This riveting book offers the prescription for getting it right, making it essential reading for everyone – patient and provider alike – who cares about our healthcare system.


《紐約時報》科學暢銷書《數位醫生》是羅伯特·瓦赫特(Robert Wachter)所著,他是《現代醫療》評選的美國最具影響力的醫師執行長。






作者羅伯特·瓦赫特醫生寫道:“我們需要認識到,在醫療領域中,電腦不僅僅是用Helvetica 12字體替代了我醫生的潦草筆跡,而是改變了工作、從事這項工作的人以及他們彼此和病人之間的關係……當然,我們應該早點想到這一點。但現在改正還不算晚。”
