Digital Control Systems: Theoretical Problems and Simulation Tools

Anastasia Veloni, Nikolaos Miridakis




The objective of this book is to provide a collection of solved problems on control systems, with an emphasis on practical problems. System functionality is described, the modeling process is explained, the problem solution is introduced, and the derived results are discussed. Each chapter ends with a discussion on applying MATLAB®, LabVIEW, and/or Comprehensive Control to the previously introduced concepts. The aim of the book is to help an average reader understand the concepts of control systems through problems and applications. The solutions are based directly on math formulas given in extensive tables throughout the text.


本書的目標是提供一系列關於控制系統的解決問題,並強調實際問題。系統功能被描述,建模過程被解釋,問題解決方法被介紹,並討論所得到的結果。每個章節結束時都會討論如何應用MATLAB®、LabVIEW和/或Comprehensive Control來應用先前介紹的概念。本書的目的是通過問題和應用幫助普通讀者理解控制系統的概念。解決方案直接基於文本中廣泛表格中給出的數學公式。