Job Ready Go

Balti, Haythem, Weiss, Kimberly A.




Job Ready Go(R) delivers the foundational knowledge required for entry-level Go-related jobs. Based on the Go training program at Wiley Edge (formerly mthree), this book offers readers the opportunity to learn about most of the powerful concepts that makes Go a very popular programming language.

Job Ready Go(R) demonstrates the basics and advanced concepts of Go. Moreover, you will be able to put together what you have learned in this book in the "Pulling It Together" section, which demonstrates how to build complex solutions in Go.

Perfect for Go novices looking to learn about the language, Job Ready Go(R) is also useful for Go developers that need to brush up with a comprehensive reference.

The book includes foundational topics such as data types, data structures, exceptions, and structs, and you will also learn about more complex topics such as API development, gRPC, and concurrency.

This practical book also provides:

  • A getting started guide on how to install Go, and design, develop, and test Go applications.
  • A practical discussion of the basics of data structures such as map, slices, and arrays.
  • The fundamentals of gRPC and concurrency
  • The basics of designing and developing API in Go.

The companion website at provides supplemental files to be used by the reader in several lessons found in the book.


準備好迎接真實世界的 Go 應用程式設計
《Job Ready Go》(R) 提供了進入 Go 相關工作所需的基礎知識。本書基於 Wiley Edge(前身為 mthree)的 Go 培訓計劃,讓讀者有機會學習到使 Go 成為一種非常流行的程式語言的強大概念。《Job Ready Go》(R) 展示了 Go 的基礎和高級概念。此外,在「整合應用」部分,您將能夠將本書中所學的知識結合起來,演示如何在 Go 中構建複雜解決方案。對於想要了解這門語言的 Go 新手來說,這本書非常適合,同時也對需要全面參考的 Go 開發人員有用。本書包括基礎主題,如資料類型、資料結構、例外處理和結構體,您還將學習到更複雜的主題,如 API 開發、gRPC 和並發。此實用書還提供:

  • 有關如何安裝 Go、設計、開發和測試 Go 應用程式的入門指南。

  • 對於資料結構(如 map、slices 和 arrays)的實用討論。

  • gRPC 和並發的基礎知識。

  • 在 Go 中設計和開發 API 的基礎知識。

附帶網站 提供了本書中多個課程中讀者可使用的補充檔案。


HAYTHEM BALTI, PhD, is an associate dean at Wiley Edge. He has created courses used by thousands of Software Guild and Wiley Edge (formerly mthree) alumni to learn Go, Java, Python, and other development and data science skills.

KIMBERLY A. WEISS is a Senior Manager of Curriculum Operations for Wiley Edge. She has worked with multiple universities as well as corporate training settings to develop interactive instructional content appropriate for the target learners and course goals, specializing in software development courses.


HAYTHEM BALTI博士是Wiley Edge的副院長。他創建了數千名Software Guild和Wiley Edge(前身為mthree)校友使用的課程,用於學習Go、Java、Python和其他開發和數據科學技能。

KIMBERLY A. WEISS是Wiley Edge的課程運營高級經理。她曾與多所大學以及企業培訓機構合作,開發適合目標學習者和課程目標的互動式教學內容,專注於軟件開發課程。