CompTIA Security+ Practice Tests: Exam SY0-601, 2/e (Paperback)

Seidl, David




CompTIA Security+ Practice Tests provides five unique practice tests, covering the five CompTIA Security+ objective domains for Exam SY0-601. PLUS the book includes one additional practice exam 1000 questions total

This book helps you gain the confidence you need for taking CompTIA Security+ Exam SY0-601, which is required to earn your certification. This practice test questions prepare you for test success

Coverage of all exam objective domains includes:

  • Attacks, Threats, and Vulnerabilities
  • Architecture and Design
  • Implementation
  • Operations and Incident Response
  • Governance, Risk, and Compliance

You also get access to the Sybex interactive online learning environment and test bank, including all the practice questions and the bonus practice exam.


CompTIA Security+ Practice Tests 提供了五個獨特的練習測試,涵蓋了 CompTIA Security+ 考試 SY0-601 的五個目標領域。此外,本書還包含額外的一個練習考試,總共有 1000 個問題。

這本書幫助您獲得參加 CompTIA Security+ 考試 SY0-601 所需的信心,這是獲得認證所必需的。這些練習測試問題將為您的考試成功做好準備。


- 攻擊、威脅和弱點
- 架構和設計
- 實施
- 運營和事件響應
- 治理、風險和合規性

您還可以獲得 Sybex 互動在線學習環境和測試庫的訪問權限,其中包括所有練習問題和額外的練習考試。



David Seidl, CySA+, CISSP, GPEN, GCIH, is the co-author of CompTIA Security+ Study Guide: Exam SY0-601, CompTIA CySA+ Study Guide: Exam CS0-002, CompTIA CySA+ Practice Tests: Exam CS0-002, and CompTIA PenTest+ Study Guide: Exam PT0-001. David is Vice President for Information Technology and CIO at Miami University. Previously, he led the University of Notre Dame security team as Director of Information Security and has served in a variety of technical and IT security roles.



David Seidl, CySA+, CISSP, GPEN, GCIH 是《CompTIA Security+ Study Guide: Exam SY0-601, CompTIA CySA+ Study Guide: Exam CS0-002, CompTIA CySA+ Practice Tests: Exam CS0-002, 以及 CompTIA PenTest+ Study Guide: Exam PT0-001》的合著者。David目前擔任邁阿密大學的資訊技術副總裁和CIO。在此之前,他曾擔任聖母大學的資訊安全總監,並在多個技術和IT安全職位上服務。