#MakeoverMonday: Improving How We Visualize and Analyze Data, One Chart at a Time

Andy Kriebel, Eva Murray



Explore different perspectives and approaches to create more effective visualizations

#MakeoverMonday offers inspiration and a giant dose of perspective for those who communicate data. Originally a small project in the data visualization community, #MakeoverMonday features a weekly chart or graph and a dataset that community members reimagine in order to make it more effective. The results have been astounding; hundreds of people have contributed thousands of makeovers, perfectly illustrating the highly variable nature of data visualization. Different takes on the same data showed a wide variation of theme, focus, content, and design, with side-by-side comparisons throwing more- and less-effective techniques into sharp relief.

This book is an extension of that project, featuring a variety of makeovers that showcase various approaches to data communication and a focus on the analytical, design and storytelling skills that have been developed through #MakeoverMonday. Paging through the makeovers ignites immediate inspiration for your own work, provides insight into different perspectives, and highlights the techniques that truly make an impact.

  • Explore the many approaches to visual data communication
  • Think beyond the data and consider audience, stakeholders, and message
  • Design your graphs to be intuitive and more communicative
  • Assess the impact of layout, color, font, chart type, and other design choices

Creating visual representation of complex datasets is tricky. There’s the mandate to include all relevant data in a clean, readable format that best illustrates what the data is saying—but there is also the designer’s impetus to showcase a command of the complexity and create multidimensional visualizations that “look cool.” #MakeoverMonday shows you the many ways to walk the line between simple reporting and design artistry to create exactly the visualization the situation requires.  





  • 探索視覺數據傳達的多種方法

  • 超越數據,考慮受眾、利益相關者和信息

  • 設計圖表使其直觀且更具傳達力

  • 評估版面、顏色、字體、圖表類型和其他設計選擇的影響
