Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0 (Paperback)

Christian Nagel





A true professional's guide to C# 6


Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0 provides complete coverage of the latest updates, features, and capabilities, giving you everything you need for C#. Get expert instruction on the latest changes to Visual Studio 2015, Windows Runtime, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, Windows Store Apps, Windows Workflow Foundation, and more, with clear explanations, no-nonsense pacing, and valuable expert insight. This incredibly useful guide serves as both tutorial and desk reference, providing a professional-level review of C# architecture and its application in a number of areas. You'll gain a solid background in managed code and .NET constructs within the context of the 2015 release, so you can get acclimated quickly and get back to work.

The new updates can actively streamline your workflow, with major changes including reimagined C# refactoring support, a new .NET Web app stack, and the .NET compiler platform that makes C# and Visual Basic compilers available as APIs. This book walks you through the changes with a comprehensive C# review.

  • Explore the new Visual Studio templates for ASP.NET Core 1.0, Web Forms, and MVC
  • Learn about the networking switch to HttpClient and ASP.NET Web API's replacement of WCF Data Services
  • Work with the latest updates to the event log, Windows Runtime 2.0, and Windows 8.1 deployment and localization
  • Dig deep into the new .NET 5.0 GC behaviors and the Migrations addition to ADO.NET

Microsoft has stepped up both the cadence and magnitude of their software releases. Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0 shows you everything you need to know about working with C# in a real-world context.


《C# 6 真正的專業指南》

《Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0》提供了對最新更新、功能和能力的全面覆蓋,為您提供了學習 C# 所需的一切。本書對 Visual Studio 2015、Windows Runtime、ADO.NET、ASP.NET、Windows Store Apps、Windows Workflow Foundation 等最新變化進行了專業指導,並提供了清晰的解釋、直接的節奏和寶貴的專家見解。這本非常有用的指南既是教程又是桌面參考,提供了 C# 架構的專業級評論以及其在多個領域中的應用。您將在 2015 版本的背景下獲得對托管代碼和.NET 構造的扎實基礎,以便能夠快速適應並恢復工作。

新的更新可以積極地簡化您的工作流程,其中主要變化包括重新設計的 C# 重構支持、新的.NET Web 應用程序堆棧以及將 C# 和 Visual Basic 編譯器作為 API 提供的.NET 編譯器平台。本書通過全面的 C# 回顧引導您了解這些變化。

  • 探索 ASP.NET Core 1.0、Web Forms 和 MVC 的新 Visual Studio 模板

  • 了解網絡切換到 HttpClient 和 ASP.NET Web API 取代 WCF Data Services

  • 使用最新的事件日誌、Windows Runtime 2.0 和 Windows 8.1 部署和本地化更新

  • 深入研究新的.NET 5.0 GC 行為和 ADO.NET 的 Migrations 添加

微軟加快了軟件發布的節奏和規模。《Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0》將向您展示如何在實際情境中使用 C#。