HTML5 Games: Creating Fun with HTML5, CSS3 and WebGL, 2/e (Paperback) (HTML5 遊戲:使用 HTML5、CSS3 和 WebGL 創造樂趣,第二版)
Jacob Seidelin
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HTML5 Gamesshows you how to combine HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript to make games for the web and mobiles - games that were previously only possible with plugin technologies like Flash. Using the latest open web technologies, you are guided through the process of creating a game from scratch using Canvas, HTML5 Audio, WebGL and WebSockets.
Inside, Jacob Seidelin shows you how features available in HTML5 can be used to create games. First, you will build a framework on which you will create your HTML5 game. Then each chapter covers a new aspect of the game including user input, sound, multiplayer functionality, 2D and 3D graphics and more. By the end of the book, you will have created a fully functional game that can be played in any compatible browser, or on any mobile device that supports HTML5.
Topics include:
- Dealing with backwards compatibility
- Generating level data
- Making iOS and Android web apps
- Taking your game offline
- Using Web Workers
- Persistent Game Data
- Drawing with Canvas
- Capturing player input
- Creating 3D graphics with WebGL
- Textures and lighting
- Sound with HTML5 Audio
And more…
在書中,Jacob Seidelin向您展示了如何使用HTML5中可用的功能來創建遊戲。首先,您將建立一個框架,然後每個章節都涵蓋遊戲的一個新方面,包括用戶輸入、聲音、多人功能、2D和3D圖形等。在本書結束時,您將創建出一個完全功能的遊戲,可以在任何兼容的瀏覽器上播放,或在支持HTML5的任何移動設備上遊玩。
- 處理向後兼容性
- 生成關卡數據
- 創建iOS和Android網頁應用程式
- 離線遊戲
- 使用Web Workers
- 持久化遊戲數據
- 使用Canvas繪圖
- 捕捉玩家輸入
- 使用WebGL創建3D圖形
- 紋理和照明
- 使用HTML5音頻播放聲音