The Digital Marketer: Ten New Skills You Must Learn to Stay Relevant and Customer-Centric (Hardcover)

Larry Weber, Lisa Leslie Henderson




Big data. Digital loyalty programs. Predictive analytics. Contextualized content. Are you ready?

These are just a few of the newest trends in digital marketing that are part of our everyday world. In The Digital Marketer: Ten New Skills You Must Learn to Stay Relevant and Customer-Centric, digital marketing guru Larry Weber and business writer and consultant Lisa Leslie Henderson explain the latest digital tools and trends used in today's marketing initiatives. The Digital Marketer explains:

  • The ins and outs of this brave new world of digital marketing
  • The specific techniques needed to achieve high customer engagement
  • The modern innovations that help you outperform the competition
  • The best targeting and positioning practices for today's digital era
  • How customer insights derived from big and small data and analytics, combined with software, design, and creativity can create the customer experience differential

With the authors' decades of combined experience filling its pages, The Digital Marketer gives every marketer the tools they need to reinvent their marketing function and business practices. It helps businesses learn to adapt to a customer-centric era and teaches specific techniques for engaging customers effectively through technology. The book is an essential read for businesses of all sizes wanting to learn how to engage with customers in meaningful, profitable, and mutually beneficial ways.



這些只是數位行銷中最新的趨勢之一,已經成為我們日常生活的一部分。在《數位行銷者:你必須學習的十項新技能,以保持相關性和以客戶為中心》一書中,數位行銷專家拉里·韋伯(Larry Weber)和商業作家兼顧問麗莎·萊斯利·亨德森(Lisa Leslie Henderson)解釋了當今行銷活動中使用的最新數位工具和趨勢。《數位行銷者》一書解釋了以下內容:

- 數位行銷這個全新世界的方方面面
- 實現高度客戶參與所需的具體技巧
- 幫助你在競爭中表現優異的現代創新
- 適用於當今數位時代的最佳定位和定位實踐
- 如何利用大數據和小數據以及分析、軟體、設計和創意來獲得客戶洞察,從而創造出與眾不同的客戶體驗
