Big Data Analytics: Digital Marketing and Decision-Making

Chaudhary, Kiran, Alam, Mansaf



Big Data Analytics: Digital Marketing and Decision-Making covers the advances related to marketing and business analytics. Investment marketing analytics can create value through proper allocation of resources and resource orchestration processes. The use of data analytics tools can be used to improve and speed decision-making processes.

Chapters examining analytics for decision-making cover such topics as:

  • Big data analytics for gathering business intelligence
  • Data analytics and consumer behavior
  • The role of big data analytics in organizational decision-making

This book also looks at digital marketing and focuses on such areas as:

  • The prediction of marketing by consumer analytics
  • Web analytics for digital marketing
  • Smart retailing
  • Leveraging web analytics for optimizing digital marketing strategies

Big Data Analytics: Digital Marketing and Decision-Making aims to help organizations increase their profits by making better decisions on time through the use of data analytics. It is written for students, practitioners, industry professionals, researchers, and faculty working in the field of commerce and marketing, big data analytics, and organizational decision-making.



- 用於收集商業情報的大數據分析
- 數據分析與消費者行為
- 大數據分析在組織決策中的角色

- 通過消費者分析預測行銷趨勢
- 數位行銷的網路分析
- 智能零售
- 利用網路分析優化數位行銷策略



Dr. Kiran Chaudhary is an assistant professor in the Department of Commerce at Shivaji College, University of Delhi. She has 12 years of teaching and research experience. She earned her Ph.D. in Marketing from Kurukshetra University, India. Her areas of research include marketing, human resource management, organizational behavior, and business and corporate law. She is a distinguished student winning various awards of recognition. She is a book author as well as conference and journal paper author.

Dr. Mansaf Alam is a professor in the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Natural Sciences, at Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, India. He has also been a Young Faculty Research Fellow for the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology in India and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Applied Information Science. As a journal and conference paper author, he conducts research in such areas as big data analytics, machine learning and deep learning, cloud computing, cloud database management systems, object-oriented database systems, information retrieval, and data mining. His other academic activities include: journal reviewer, member of conference program committees, journal editorial board member, and book author.


Dr. Kiran Chaudhary是德里大學Shivaji學院商學系的助理教授。她擁有12年的教學和研究經驗。她在印度Kurukshetra大學獲得了市場營銷博士學位。她的研究領域包括市場營銷、人力資源管理、組織行為以及商業和公司法。她是一位傑出的學生,獲得了多項獎勵和認可。她是一位書籍作者,也是會議和期刊論文的作者。

Dr. Mansaf Alam是印度新德里Jamia Millia Islamia大學自然科學學院計算機科學系的教授。他還曾擔任印度電子與信息技術部的青年教師研究員,以及《應用信息科學期刊》的主編。作為期刊和會議論文的作者,他在大數據分析、機器學習和深度學習、雲計算、雲數據庫管理系統、面向對象的數據庫系統、信息檢索和數據挖掘等領域進行研究。他的其他學術活動包括:期刊審稿人、會議程序委員會成員、期刊編輯委員會成員和書籍作者。