Python for Scientific Computing and Artificial Intelligence

Lynch, Stephen



Python for Scientific Computing and Artificial Intelligence is split into 3 parts: in Section 1, the reader is introduced to the Python programming language and shown how Python can aid in the understanding of advanced High School Mathematics. In Section 2, the reader is shown how Python can be used to solve real-world problems from a broad range of scientific disciplines. Finally, in Section 3, the reader is introduced to neural networks and shown how TensorFlow (written in Python) can be used to solve a large array of problems in Artificial Intelligence (AI).

This book was developed from a series of national and international workshops that the author has been delivering for over twenty years. The book is beginner friendly and has a strong practical emphasis on programming and computational modelling.


  • No prior experience of programming is required.
  • Online GitHub repository available with codes for readers to practice.
  • Covers applications and examples from biology, chemistry, computer science, data science, electrical and mechanical engineering, economics, mathematics, physics, statistics and binary oscillator computing.
  • Full solutions to exercises are available as Jupyter notebooks on the Web.

Support Material

GitHub Repository of Python Files and Notebooks: https: //

Solutions to All Exercises:

Section 1: An Introduction to Python: https: //

Section 2: Python for Scientific Computing: https: //

Section 3: Artificial Intelligence: https: //




- 不需要任何編程經驗。
- 提供線上GitHub存儲庫,讓讀者練習程式碼。
- 涵蓋生物學、化學、計算機科學、數據科學、電氣和機械工程、經濟學、數學、物理學、統計學和二進制振盪器計算等領域的應用和示例。
- 提供Jupyter筆記本形式的練習解答。

- Python文件和筆記本的GitHub存儲庫:
- 所有練習的解答:
- 第一部分:Python介紹:
- 第二部分:科學計算的Python:
- 第三部分:人工智慧:


In 2022, Stephen Lynch was named a National Teaching Fellow, which celebrates and recognises individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and teaching in higher education. He won the award for his work in programming in the STEM subjects, research feeding into teaching, and widening participation (using experiential and object-based learning). Although educated as a pure mathematician, Stephen's many interests now include applied mathematics, cell biology, electrical engineering, computing, neural networks, nonlinear optics and binary oscillator computing, which he co-invented with a colleague. He has authored 2 international patents for inventions, 8 books, 4 book chapters, over 40 journal articles, and a few conference proceedings. Stephen is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications (FIMA) and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). He is currently a Reader with MMU and was an Associate Lecturer with the Open University from 2008-2012. In 2010, Stephen volunteered as a STEM Ambassador, in 2012, he was awarded MMU Public Engagement Champion status, and in 2014 he became a Speaker for Schools. He runs national workshops on "Python for A-Level Mathematics and Beyond," and international workshops on "Python for Scientific Computing and TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence." He has run workshops in China, Malaysia, Singapore, and the USA.


在2022年,Stephen Lynch被授予國家教學獎學金,以表彰和肯定在高等教育中對學生成果和教學產生卓越影響的個人。他因在STEM科目的編程、研究與教學相結合以及擴大參與(使用體驗式和物件導向學習)方面的工作而獲得此獎項。儘管他的教育背景是純數學家,但Stephen現在的許多興趣包括應用數學、細胞生物學、電氣工程、計算機科學、神經網絡、非線性光學和二進制振盪器計算,他與同事共同發明了這項技術。他已經撰寫了2項國際專利發明、8本書、4篇書章、40多篇期刊文章和幾篇會議論文。Stephen是英國數學學會(FIMA)的會士和高等教育學院(SFHEA)的高級會士。他目前是MMU的讀者,並在2008年至2012年期間擔任Open University的副講師。2010年,Stephen作為STEM大使自願參與,2012年,他獲得了MMU公共參與冠軍的地位,2014年成為學校演講者。他主持全國性的“Python for A-Level Mathematics and Beyond”研討會,以及國際性的“Python for Scientific Computing and TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence”研討會。他曾在中國、馬來西亞、新加坡和美國舉辦研討會。