Making with Data: Physical Design and Craft in a Data-Driven World

Huron, Samuel, Nagel, Till, Oehlberg, Lora

  • 出版商: A K Peters
  • 出版日期: 2022-12-20
  • 售價: $4,780
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$4,541
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 392
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 1032207221
  • ISBN-13: 9781032207223
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


How can we give data physical form?

And how might those creations change the ways we experience data and the stories it can tell?

Making with Data: Physical Design and Craft in a Data-Driven World provides a snapshot of the diverse practices contemporary creators are using to produce objects, spaces, and experiences imbued with data. Across 25+ beautifully-illustrated chapters, international artists, designers, and scientists each explain the process of creating a specific data-driven piece--illustrating their practice with candid sketches, photos, and design artifacts from their own studios. Featuring influential voices in computer science, data science, graphic design, art, craft, and architecture, Making with Data is accessible and inspiring for enthusiasts and experts alike.



《Making with Data: Physical Design and Craft in a Data-Driven World》提供了當代創作者使用數據創造物體、空間和體驗的多樣實踐的快照。在這本書的25多個精美插圖章節中,國際藝術家、設計師和科學家們各自解釋了創作特定數據驅動作品的過程,並通過自己的工作室的坦率素描、照片和設計物品來說明他們的實踐。這本書匯集了計算機科學、數據科學、平面設計、藝術、工藝和建築等領域的重要聲音,對於愛好者和專家來說都具有易讀性和啟發性。


Dr. Samuel Huron is an information designer and associate professor in Design of Information Technologies in the Social and Economical Science department of Télécom Paris at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, and part of the CNRS Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation. His research addresses how humans create visual and physical representations of abstract information to think, collaborate, learn, analyze, explore, and design new data representations, systems and information artefacts. He leads the design studio at Telecom Paris and he is part of the Interact and Diva teams. He worked as the lead designer of the research institute of the Pompidou Center. His approach is grounded in fifteen years of experience in interactive media industries where he worked with a broad range of civic, cultural, and corporate clients. Prior to his research career, he worked in new media art with projects including video art labels on art installations, video mixing, and live performances. For his PhD on Constructive Visualization he was awarded the IEEE VGTC Pioneers' "Best Doctoral Dissertation Award". He is an alumnus of University of Calgary, ENSAD, INRIA, Université Panthéon Sorbonne.

Dr. Till Nagel is a Research Professor of Visual Analytics at the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences. His interests are in information visualization, interaction design and data literacy. He heads the Human Data Interaction Lab, which investigates new ways of supporting different target groups with interactive data representations. A major focus of his research is around the themes of urban data and mobility visualizations, and in the democratization of visualization tools. He was the general chair of the IEEE VIS Arts Program 2018 and 2019. He is a member of the VISAP steering committee, of the advisory board of the Mannheim Smart City initiative, and is associated with the Medical Faculty Mannheim of Heidelberg University. Dr. Nagel has a background in media and computer science, and received his PhD at the Human Computer Interaction group at KU Leuven. He was a visiting scholar at the MIT Senseable City Lab in Boston and Singapore, a postdoctoral fellow at the FHP Urban Complexity Lab, and a guest professor at Burg Giebichenstein University of Arts and Design. His work has been exhibited at Venice Biennale of Architecture, Shanghai Design Exhibition, DMY Berlin, and featured in The Guardian, Esquire, Süddeutsche Zeitung, and many more.

Dr. Lora Oehlberg is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Calgary. Her research addresses how technology can better support creativity, collaboration, and curiosity in a range of domains, including interaction design, electronic fashion, improvised digital fabrication, physical data representations, improvised theatre, and healthcare innovation. She leads the Curio Lab, and is one of the faculty leaders of the Interactions Lab, a human-computer interaction research collective. She is currently the director of the Computational Media Design graduate program, and part of the University of Calgary's Makerspace community of practice group. In 2018 she was awarded a Peak Scholar of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, & Knowledge Engagement from the University of Calgary for her work in "People-Centred Technology for Creativity and Collaboration". She was an Inria Silicon Valley postdoctoral fellow with the InSitu group at Inria Saclay. She has a PhD and MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley, and a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University.

Dr. Wesley Willett is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Calgary where he holds a Canada Research Chair in Visual Analytics. His interests span information visualization, social computing, new media, and human-computer interaction, and his research focuses on pairing data and interactivity to support collaboration, learning, and discovery. At the UofC, Dr. Willett leads the Data Experience Lab and is a member of the Interactions Lab, the university's human-computer interaction research collective. He is also faculty in the university's Computational Media Design and Data Science programs, and was awarded the Faculty of Science's 2019 Excellence in Research Scholarship Award (Early Career). In 2019 he served as General Chair for IEEE VIS 2019, the premier academic conference for visualization and data analytics research.


Dr. Samuel Huron是一位資訊設計師,也是巴黎高科技學院(Télécom Paris)社會與經濟科學系設計資訊技術的副教授,同時也是法國國家科學研究中心(CNRS)創新跨學科研究所(Institut Interdisciplinaire de l'Innovation)的一員。他的研究探討人類如何以視覺和物理形式來呈現抽象資訊,以思考、協作、學習、分析、探索和設計新的資料呈現方式、系統和資訊工具。他在巴黎高科技學院領導設計工作室,並且是Interact和Diva團隊的一員。他曾擔任龐畢度中心研究所的首席設計師。他的研究方法基於他在互動媒體行業的十五年經驗,與各種公民、文化和企業客戶合作。在從事研究之前,他曾參與新媒體藝術項目,包括藝術裝置的視頻藝術標籤、視頻混音和現場表演。他的博士論文《建設性可視化》獲得了IEEE VGTC Pioneers的「最佳博士論文獎」。他畢業於卡爾加里大學、ENSAD、INRIA和巴黎第一大學。

Dr. Till Nagel是曼海姆應用科學大學的視覺分析研究教授。他的興趣在於資訊可視化、互動設計和數據素養。他領導著人類數據互動實驗室,該實驗室研究支持不同目標群體的互動式數據呈現的新方法。他的研究主要集中在城市數據和移動可視化以及可視化工具的民主化方面。他曾擔任2018年和2019年IEEE VIS藝術計劃的主席。他是VISAP指導委員會的成員,也是曼海姆智慧城市計劃的顧問委員會成員,並與海德堡大學曼海姆醫學院有關。Nagel博士具有媒體和計算機科學背景,並在魯汶大學人機交互研究小組獲得博士學位。他曾在波士頓和新加坡的MIT Senseable City Lab擔任訪問學者,是FHP Urban Complexity Lab的博士後研究員,也是Burg Giebichenstein藝術與設計大學的客座教授。他的作品曾在威尼斯建築雙年展、上海設計展、DMY柏林等展覽中展出,並在《衛報》、《Esquire》、《南德意志報》等媒體中亮相。

Dr. Lora Oehlberg是卡爾加里大學的計算機科學副教授。她的研究探討技術如何更好地支持創造力、協作和好奇心,涉及互動設計、電子時尚、即興數字製造、物理數據呈現、即興劇場和醫療創新等領域。她領導著Curio實驗室,並是互動實驗室的教師領導之一,該實驗室是一個人機交互研究集體。她目前擔任計算媒體設計研究生項目的主任,並且是卡爾加里大學Makerspace社群實踐小組的一員。2018年,她因在「以人為中心的技術促進創造力和協作」方面的工作獲得了卡爾加里大學的創業、創新和知識參與峰值學者獎。她曾在法國國家科學研究中心(Inria)矽谷分部的InSitu小組擔任博士後研究員。她在加州大學伯克利分校獲得機械工程博士和碩士學位,並在斯坦福大學獲得機械工程學士學位。

Dr. Wesley Willett是卡爾加里大學的計算機科學副教授,擔任加拿大研究主席(Canada Research Chair)的視覺分析領域。他的興趣涵蓋資訊可視化、社交計算、新媒體和人機交互,他的研究重點是將數據和互動性結合起來,以支持協作和學習。