The Effective Engineer: How to Leverage Your Efforts In Software Engineering to Make a Disproportionate and Meaningful Impact (Paperback)

Edmond Lau

  • 出版商: Effective Bookshelf
  • 出版日期: 2015-03-19
  • 售價: $1,640
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,558
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 260
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0996128107
  • ISBN-13: 9780996128100
  • 相關分類: 軟體工程
  • 相關翻譯: 卓有成效的工程師 (簡中版)
  • 銷售排行: 👍 2016 年度 英文書 銷售排行 第 12 名
    🥈 2016/5 英文書 銷售排行 第 2 名

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The most effective engineers — the ones who have risen to become distinguished engineers and leaders at their companies — can produce 10 times the impact of other engineers, but they're not working 10 times the hours.

They've internalized a mindset that took me years of trial and error to figure out. I'm going to share that mindset with you — along with hundreds of actionable techniques and proven habits — so you can shortcut those years.

Introducing The Effective Engineer — the only book designed specifically for today's software engineers, based on extensive interviews with engineering leaders at top tech companies, and packed with hundreds of techniques to accelerate your career.

For two years, I embarked on a quest seeking an answer to one question:

How do the most effective engineers make their efforts, their teams, and their careers more successful?

I interviewed and collected stories from engineering VPs, directors, managers, and other leaders at today's top software companies: established, household names like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn; rapidly growing mid-sized companies like Dropbox, Square, Box, Airbnb, and Etsy; and startups like Reddit, Stripe, Instagram, and Lyft.

These leaders shared stories about the most valuable insights they've learned and the most common and costly mistakes that they've seen engineers — sometimes themselves — make.

This is just a small sampling of the hard questions I posed to them:

  • What engineering qualities correlate with future success?
  • What have you done that has paid off the highest returns?
  • What separates the most effective engineers you've worked with from everyone else?
  • What's the most valuable lesson your team has learned in the past year?
  • What advice do you give to new engineers on your team?

Everyone's story is different, but many of the lessons share common themes.

You'll get to hear stories like:

  • How did Instagram's team of 5 engineers build and support a service that grew to over 40 million users by the time the company was acquired?
  • How and why did Quora deploy code to production 40 to 50 times per day?
  • How did the team behind Google Docs become the fastest acquisition to rewrite its software to run on Google's infrastructure?
  • How does Etsy use continuous experimentation to design features that are guaranteed to increase revenue at launch?
  • How did Facebook's small infrastructure team effectively operate thousands of database servers?
  • How did Dropbox go from barely hiring any new engineers to nearly tripling its team size year-over-year?

What's more, I've distilled their stories into actionable habits and lessons that you can follow step-by-step to make your career and your team more successful.

The skills used by effective engineers are all learnable.

And I'll teach them to you. With The Effective Engineer, I'll teach you a unifying framework called leverage — the value produced per unit of time invested — that you can use to identify the activities that produce disproportionate results.

Here's a sneak peek at some of the lessons you'll learn. You'll learn how to:

  • Prioritize the right projects and tasks to increase your impact.
  • Earn more leeway from your peers and managers on your projects.
  • Spend less time maintaining and fixing software and more time building and shipping new features.
  • Produce more accurate software estimates.
  • Validate your ideas cheaply to reduce wasted work.
  • Navigate organizational and people-related bottlenecks.
  • Find the appropriate level of code reviews, testing, abstraction, and technical debt to balance speed and quality.
  • Shorten your debugging workflow to increase your iteration speed.
  • Use metrics to quantify your impact and consistently make progress.


「最有效率的工程師——那些在公司中嶄露頭角成為傑出工程師和領導者的人——可以產生其他工程師10倍的影響力,但他們並不需要工作10倍的時間。他們已經內化了一種心態,而我花了多年的試驗和錯誤才找到這種心態。我將與你分享這種心態,以及數百種可行的技巧和經過驗證的習慣,讓你能夠節省這些年的時間。現在,我向你介紹《高效工程師》——這是唯一一本專為當今軟體工程師而設計的書籍,它基於對頂尖科技公司的工程領導者進行廣泛訪談,並充滿了數百種加速你職業生涯的技巧。兩年來,我踏上了一個尋找答案的旅程,只有一個問題:最有效率的工程師如何使他們的努力、團隊和職業更加成功?我訪問了當今頂尖軟體公司的工程副總裁、總監、經理和其他領導者,包括Google、Facebook、Twitter和LinkedIn等知名公司,以及Dropbox、Square、Box、Airbnb、Etsy等快速成長的中型公司,還有Reddit、Stripe、Instagram和Lyft等初創公司。這些領導者分享了他們學到的最有價值的見解,以及他們見過的工程師(有時包括他們自己)犯過的最常見和最昂貴的錯誤。以下是我向他們提出的一小部分難題:哪些工程品質與未來的成功有關?你做過的哪些事情帶來了最高的回報?最有效率的工程師與其他人有何不同?你的團隊在過去一年中學到的最有價值的教訓是什麼?你對團隊上的新工程師有什麼建議?每個人的故事都不同,但許多教訓都有共同的主題。你將聽到以下故事:Instagram的5名工程師如何建立和支持一個服務,使其在公司被收購時已經擁有超過4000萬用戶?為什麼Quora每天要部署40到50次程式碼到生產環境?Google Docs團隊如何成為最快將其軟體重寫為運行在Google基礎設施上的收購項目?Etsy如何使用持續實驗來設計在推出時保證增加收入的功能?Facebook的小型基礎設施團隊如何有效地操作數千個數據庫伺服器?Dropbox如何從幾乎不雇用新工程師到每年將團隊規模增加近三倍?此外,我將他們的故事提煉成可行的習慣和教訓,你可以一步一步地遵循,使你的職業生涯和團隊更加成功。有效工程師使用的技能都是可以學習的,我將教給你。在《高效工程師》中,我將教給你一個統一的框架,稱為「槓桿」——每單位時間投入的價值——你可以用它來識別產生不成比例結果的活動。以下是你將學到的一些教訓的一瞥:優先考慮正確的專案和任務,以增加你的影響力。在專案中獲得同事和經理更多的寬容。花更少的時間維護和修復軟體,更多時間建立和發布新功能。產生更準確的軟體估算。以較低的成本驗證你的想法,減少浪費的工作。解決組織和人員相關的瓶頸。找到適當的程式碼審查、測試、抽象和技術債務水平,平衡速度和品質。縮短調試工作流程,增加迭代速度。使用指標量化你的影響力,並持續取得進展。」