Data Modeling Made Simple: A Practical Guide for Business and IT Professionals, 2/e (Paperback)

Steve Hoberman




Data Modeling Made Simple will provide the business or IT professional with a practical working knowledge of data modeling concepts and best practices. This book is written in a conversational style that encourages you to read it from start to finish and master these ten objectives:
  1. Know when a data model is needed and which type of data model is most effective for each situation
  2. Read a data model of any size and complexity with the same confidence as reading a book
  3. Build a fully normalized relational data model, as well as an easily navigatable dimensional model
  4. Apply techniques to turn a logical data model into an efficient physical design
  5. Leverage several templates to make requirements gathering more efficient and accurate
  6. Explain all ten categories of the Data Model Scorecard
  7. Learn strategies to improve your working relationships with others
  8. Appreciate the impact unstructured data has, and will have, on our data modeling deliverables
  9. Learn basic UML concepts
  10. Put data modeling in context with XML, metadata, and agile development



1. 知道何時需要資料模型,以及在每種情況下哪種資料模型最有效。
2. 能夠像閱讀書籍一樣自信地閱讀任何大小和複雜度的資料模型。
3. 構建完全規範化的關聯式資料模型,以及易於導航的維度模型。
4. 應用技巧將邏輯資料模型轉化為高效的物理設計。
5. 利用多個模板使需求收集更高效和準確。
6. 解釋《資料模型評分卡》的十個類別。
7. 學習改善與他人的工作關係的策略。
8. 了解非結構化資料對我們的資料建模成果以及未來的影響。
9. 學習基本的UML概念。
10. 將資料建模與XML、元數據和敏捷開發相結合。