Statistics (the Easier Way) with R: An Informal Text on Applied Statistics

Nicole M. Radziwill




Want to learn R, statistics, or data analysis? Become successful fast with this unique book, which takes the approach of solving all problems analytically (using equations) before solving them using the R statistical software. (INSTRUCTORS: Course Materials are available.) This combined approach is embedded within a 12-step process for hypothesis testing, which will make statistical inference clearer than ever, while giving you a structured approach for presenting your research results.Most books about applied statistics just focus on the math and theory. Most books about the R statistical software package just focus on executing tests. But in Statistics (The Easier Way) with R, you'll see exactly what computations R is doing under the surface, helping you become a more skilled investigator and data analyst.In addition to being a great introductory text for learning applied statistics or R, Statistics (The Easier Way) with R is also suitable as a supplement for any undergraduate course in introductory or applied statistics, high school AP statistics, or Six Sigma Green Belt and Six Sigma Black Belt candidates. Errata and other notes from first printing are available at


想要學習 R 語言、統計學或資料分析嗎?這本獨特的書籍將以解析方式(使用方程式)解決所有問題,然後再使用 R 統計軟體解決問題,讓你快速成功。這種結合方式融入了一個包含 12 個步驟的假設檢定過程,將使統計推論變得比以往更清晰,同時為你呈現研究結果提供了結構化的方法。大多數關於應用統計的書籍只著重於數學和理論。大多數關於 R 統計軟體的書籍只著重於執行測試。但在《統計學(更簡單的方式)與 R》中,你將看到 R 在表面下進行的計算,幫助你成為一名更熟練的調查員和資料分析師。除了作為學習應用統計或 R 的絕佳入門教材外,《統計學(更簡單的方式)與 R》還適合作為任何本科入門或應用統計學課程的補充教材,高中 AP 統計學課程,或者 Six Sigma 綠帶和黑帶候選人。第一版印刷的勘誤和其他注意事項可在 上找到。