More Effective C# : 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your C#, 2/e (Includes Content Update Program)

Bill Wagner




In More Effective C#, Second Edition, world-renowned .NET expert Bill Wagner identifies and illuminates 50 intermediate-to-advanced techniques for writing exceptionally robust and well-performing C# 7.0 code. Reflecting the growing sophistication of the C# language and its development community, Wagner presents powerful new solutions to problems you’re likely to encounter every day.


Through three editions of Effective C#, Wagner’s clear explanations, expert tips, and realistic code examples have proven invaluable to hundreds of thousands of developers. With the publication of this title, Effective C#, Third Edition, and More Effective C#, Second Edition, have been completely reorganized to provide clear explanations, expert tips, and realistic code examples in a cohesive package for modern C#. More Effective C#, Second Edition, brings the same proven approach to the new features in C# 7.0, helping you perform familiar tasks more efficiently and effectively.


Drawing on his unsurpassed C# experience and key role on global C# standards committees, Wagner addresses object-oriented, functional, and service-oriented approaches to managing data with C#; better ways to express your intent to users and other programmers; and new opportunities to leverage powerful asynchronous and dynamic programming techniques.

  • Use properties instead of accessible data members (Item 1)
  • Distinguish between value and reference types (Item 4)
  • Understand relationships among multiple concepts of equality (Item 9)
  • Avoid conversion operators in your APIs (Item 11)
  • Understand how interface and virtual methods differ (Item 15)
  • Avoid overloading methods defined in base classes (Item 19)
  • Create method groups that are clear, minimal, and complete (Item 22)
  • Enable immediate error reporting in iterators and async methods (Item 26)
  • Use async methods for async work (Item 27)
  • Avoid thread allocations and context switches (Item 30)
  • Construct PLINQ parallel algorithms with exceptions in mind (Item 36)
  • Use the thread pool instead of creating threads (Item 37)
  • Use BackgroundWorker for cross-thread communication (Item 38)
  • Use the smallest possible scope for lock handles (Item 41)
  • Understand the pros and cons of dynamic programming (Item 43)
  • Make full use of the expression API (Item 46)
  • Minimize dynamic objects in public APIs (Item 47)

You’re already a successful C# programmer: this book will make you an outstanding one.


Content Update Program: This book is part of the InformIT Content Update Program. As updates are made to C#, sections of this book will be updated or new sections will be added to match updates to the technologies.



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在《更有效的C#,第二版》中,全球知名的.NET專家Bill Wagner辨識並闡明了50種中高級技巧,用於撰寫出非常強健且高效的C# 7.0程式碼。這本書反映了C#語言及其開發社群日益成熟的特點,Wagner提供了解決你每天可能遇到的問題的強大新解決方案。



- 使用屬性而不是可訪問的數據成員(項目1)
- 區分值類型和引用類型(項目4)
- 瞭解多個相等概念之間的關係(項目9)
- 避免在API中使用轉換運算符(項目11)
- 瞭解接口和虛擬方法之間的區別(項目15)
- 避免重載在基類中定義的方法(項目19)
- 創建清晰、最小和完整的方法組(項目22)
- 在迭代器和異步方法中啟用即時錯誤報告(項目26)
- 使用異步方法進行異步工作(項目27)
- 避免線程分配和上下文切換(項目30)
- 在考慮異常的情況下構建PLINQ並行算法(項目36)
- 使用線程池而不是創建線程(項目37)
- 使用BackgroundWorker進行跨線程通信(項目38)
- 對於鎖定處理,使用最小可能的範圍(項目41)
- 瞭解動態編程的優點和缺點(項目43)
- 充分利用表達式API(項目46)
- 在公共API中最小化動態對象(項目47)


