Agile Java Development with Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse

Anil Hemrajani





Agile Java™ Development With Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse is a book about robust technologies and effective methods which help bring simplicity back into the world of enterprise Java development. The three key technologies covered in this book, the Spring Framework, Hibernate and Eclipse, help reduce the complexity of enterprise Java development significantly. Furthermore, these technologies enable plain old Java objects (POJOs) to be deployed in light-weight containers versus heavy-handed remote objects that require heavy EJB containers. This book also extensively covers technologies such as Ant, JUnit, JSP tag libraries and touches upon other areas such as such logging, GUI based debugging, monitoring using JMX, job scheduling, emailing, and more. Also, Extreme Programming (XP), Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD) and refactoring are methods that can expedite the software development projects by reducing the amount of up front requirements and design; hence these methods are embedded throughout the book but with just enough details and examples to not sidetrack the focus of this book. In addition, this book contains well separated, subjective material (opinion sidebars), comic illustrations, tips and tricks, all of which provide real-world and practical perspectives on relevant topics. Last but not least, this book demonstrates the complete lifecycle by building and following a sample application, chapter-by-chapter, starting from conceptualization to production using the technology and processes covered in this book. In summary, by using the technologies and methods covered in this book, the reader will be able to effectively develop enterprise-class Java applications, in an agile manner!


《Agile Java™ Development With Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse》是一本關於強大技術和有效方法的書籍,有助於將簡潔性帶回企業級Java開發的世界。本書涵蓋的三個關鍵技術,Spring Framework、Hibernate和Eclipse,大大降低了企業級Java開發的複雜性。此外,這些技術使得普通的Java對象(POJOs)可以部署在輕量級容器中,而不是需要沉重的遠程對象和EJB容器。本書還廣泛涵蓋了Ant、JUnit、JSP標籤庫等技術,並涉及其他領域,如日誌記錄、基於GUI的調試、使用JMX進行監控、作業排程、郵件發送等。此外,極限編程(XP)、敏捷模型驅動開發(AMDD)和重構是可以通過減少前期需求和設計來加快軟件開發項目的方法;因此,本書中嵌入了這些方法,但只提供足夠的細節和示例,以不偏離本書的重點。此外,本書還包含了分離良好的主觀材料(意見欄)、漫畫插圖、技巧和訣竅,所有這些都提供了有關相關主題的實際和實用的觀點。最後但並非最不重要的是,本書通過在每個章節中構建和跟踪一個示例應用程序,從概念化到生產,演示了完整的生命周期,使用了本書中涵蓋的技術和流程。總之,通過使用本書中涵蓋的技術和方法,讀者將能夠以敏捷的方式有效地開發企業級Java應用程序!