Microsoft Visual Basic .NET 2003 Unleashed

Heinrich Gantenbein

  • 出版商: SAMS
  • 出版日期: 2004-12-31
  • 售價: $2,520
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$2,394
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 1128
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0672326779
  • ISBN-13: 9780672326776
  • 相關分類: .NETVisual Basic
  • 已過版





Microsoft Visual Basic .NET 2003 Unleashed is a premium reference guide and a must-have for anyone currently developing or beginning to develop .NET applications. A primer on the basic fundamentals of .NET programming is supplemented by plenty of practical application development covering virtually every aspect of .NET programming. It is a comprehensive, easy-to-use book designed to lay flat, making it an ideal desk reference. You will also receive access to an online reference tool that contains fully searchable content and code samples. Unleashed will give you the knowledge you crave to master Visual Basic .NET 2003.


Table of Contents:


    Overview of Visual Basic

    Visual Basic .NET (and C#)

    Visual Basic .NET 2003 Unleashed

    How This Book Is Organized

      Part I: Fundamentals

      Part II: Windows Forms Applications

      Part III: Database Programming

      Part IV: Web Applications (ASP.NET)

      Part V: Advanced Programming

      Part VI: Securing Applications

      Part VII: Remoting

      Part VIII: Web Services

      Part IX: Enterprise Services

      How to Use This Book


1. Introduction to .NET.

    Software as a Service

      .NET Products

      .NET Services

      .NET Framework

    Objectives of the .NET Framework

    Understanding the .NET Framework Architecture

    Understanding the Role of the .NET Framework

    What Is MSIL?

      What Is a Portable Executable (PE) File?

      Understanding the JIT Compiler

    Common Language Runtime

      Components of the Common Language Runtime

      .NET Framework Class Library

      Advantages of the Common Language Runtime

    What Is an Assembly?

      Structure of an Assembly

      How Assembly Enables XCOPY Deployment and Zero-Impact Install

      Design Considerations of an Assembly

      Types of Assemblies


      Common Language System (CLS)


    Further Reading

2. Language Fundamentals.

    Variable Declaration

      Keyword Meaning

      Declaration Levels

      Declaring Data Type

      Declaring Lifetime

      Declaring Scope

      Declaring Accessibility

    Variables and Assignment

    Use of Namespaces

      Imports Keyword

      Using Aliases

    How to Create Modules in Visual Basic .NET

      Creating Multiple Modules

    Control Structures

      If/Then Selection Structure

      If/Then/Else Selection Structure

      Select/Case Statement

      While Repetition Structure

      DoWhile/Loop Repetition Structure

      Do/LoopWhile Repetition Structure

      DoUntil/Loop Repetition Structure

      Do/LoopUntil Repetition Structure

      For/Next Repetition Structure

      ForEach/Next Repetition Structure

      Exit Statement

    Assignment Operators

      Logical Operators

    Conditional Statements

      How to Code Conditional Expressions and Use Them in Conditional Statements

    Using Assignment Operators


    Using Operators

    Built-In Functions

      Conversion Functions

      String-Manipulation Functions

      Other Useful Functions

    Writing Your Own Routines



      Scope of Variables

      Why Is Scope Important?


    Further Reading

3. Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals.

    Object-Oriented Concepts

    Creating Classes

      Creating Basic Classes

    Objects, Classes, and Instances

      Creating Constructors

      Composition of an Object

    Working with Objects

      Object Declaration and Instantiation

      Object References

      Dereferencing Objects

    Handling Events

      Handling Events

      Handling Multiple Events

      The WithEvents Keyword

      Raising Events

      Receiving Events

    Inheritance in Visual Basic .NET

      Overriding Methods


    Further Reading

4. .NET Framework Data Types.

    What Is the Common Type System?

      System.Object: The Root of Everything

    Types and Aliases

      Getting to Know Data Types

      Garbage Collection

      Value Types

      Reference Types

      The System.String Class

    Mutable Strings

      The StringBuilder Object

    What Is a GUID?

    Boxing and Unboxing


    Further Reading


5. Windows Forms.

    Creating a New Project

    How to Run a Project

    Introduction to Forms

      The Form Class

    Modifying a Form's Properties

      Changing the Name of a Form

      Displaying Text on a Form's Title Bar

      Changing a Form's Background Color

      Adding an Image to a Form's Background

      Displaying an Icon in the Form

      Specifying the Initial Display Position of a Form

      Controlling Size and Location of the Form

      Application Object

      Controlling the Appearance of the Form

    Showing and Unloading Forms

      Showing Forms

      Configuring Control Boxes

    Form Methods

      Dealing with Display Issues

      Resetting Properties

    Event Handling

      The Message Loop

    Form Events

      Controlling Execution

      Keyboard and Mouse Events


    Further Reading

6. Controls.

    Working with the Visual Studio .NET Form Designer

      The Toolbox Window

      The Properties Window

      Adding Event Handlers

      Working with the Form Control

    TextBox Control

      Creating a Password Text Box

      Creating a Read-Only Text Box

      Events Raised by the TextBox Control

    The Button Control

      Selecting a Button Control

      Responding to a Button Click

    The Label Control

    The RadioButton Control

    The CheckBox Control

      Responding to Check Box Clicks

    The ListBox Control

      Selecting Items in the ListBox Control

      Finding Items in a ListBox Control

      Manipulating Items in a ListBox Control

      Common Methods Supported by the List Controls

    The ComboBox Control


      Building the Menu Groups

      Adding Menu Levels

      Creating Menus Programmatically

      Adding a Menu Shortcut

      Adding Hotkeys

      Responding to the Click Event

      User Interface Control Events for MenuItems

      Defining a MenuItem as a Separator

      Arranging Menu Items

      Right-to-Left Menus

      Context Menu


    Further Reading

7. Drawing.

    The Graphics Device Interface (GDI)

    GDI+: A Higher-Level API

      Features of GDI+

    GDI+ Namespaces in .NET

      System.Drawing Namespace

      System.Drawing.Design Namespace

      System.Drawing.Printing Namespace

      System.Drawing.Imaging Namespace

      System.Drawing.Drawing2D Namespace

      System.Drawing.Text Namespace

    The Graphics Class

      Common Graphics Objects

      Drawing Lines

      Drawing Basic Shapes

      Filling Shapes

      Collections of Shapes

      Working with Images

      Unit of Measurement

    Working with Fonts


    Further Reading

8. Deploying Your Application.

    Introduction to Deployment

      Planning for Deployment

    Structure of an Assembly

    Deployment Options Supported by .NET

      Using XCOPY to Deploy Applications

      Using Visual Studio .NET Installer to Deploy Applications

      Trade-Offs Between XCOPY and Windows Installer

    Different Types of Deployment Project Templates Provided by Visual Studio .NET

      Creating an Installer Package

    Configuring Deployment Properties

    Configuring Project Properties

    Different Types of Setup Editors

      Configuring File System Editor

      Configuring Registry Editor

      Configuring File Types Editor

      Configuring Custom Actions Editor

      Configuring Launch Conditions Editor

      Configuring User Interface Editor

    Building the Installer Package

      Installing FormattingApplication

      Uninstalling the Application


    Further Reading

9. Printing.

    Printing in .NET

    Defining a Document

      Events Supported by the PrintDocument Class

      Methods of the PrintDocument Class

      Printing a Document

    Using the Print Dialogs

      Using PrintPreviewDialog Control

      Using PrintDialog Control

      Using the PageSetupDialog Control

      Using PrintPreviewControl

    Dealing with Settings

      PrinterSettings Class

      Role of PageSettings Class in Printing


    Further Reading

10. Advanced Windows Forms Techniques.

    Adding Controls Dynamically in Code

      Dynamic Event Hookup

    Creating Owned Forms

    MDI Interfaces

    Implementing Inheritance with Visual Studio .NET

    The NotifyIcon Control

    The Use of Providers in Windows Forms Applications


      Providing Help in a Windows Forms Application

    Providing Help Using ToolTips

    Dialog Box Controls

    Using Cursors in Windows Forms Applications

    Advanced User Interface Controls

      The TreeView Control

      The DateTimePicker Control

      The MonthCalendar Control


    Further Reading


11. ADO.NET Classes.

    Data Providers

      The SqlClient and OleDb Data Providers

    The Connection Object

      ConnectionString Property

      Open() Method

      Close() Method

      BeginTransaction() Method

    The Command Object

      Preparing a Command Object to Execute an SQL Statement

      Preparing a Command Object to Call a Stored Procedure

      Preparing a Command Object to Call a TableDirect

      Execute Methods of the Command Object

    The DataReader Object

    The DataSet Object

      Strongly Typed versus Weakly Typed DataSets

      Subordinate Objects of the DataSet

    The DataView Object

    The DataAdapter Object

      Using the DataAdapter Wizard to Generate a Connection String

    Concurrency Violations

    Illustrative Applications on the Code Website

      The TransactionsAndDataSets Application

      The TransactionInteractionExplorer Application

      The ConcurrencyViolator Application


    Further Reading

12. Creating and Maintaining a Database in Visual Studio.

    Creating a Database

    Creating and Updating Database Components

    Creating a New Table

    Design of the Instructor Table

      Defining a Primary Key

      Considerations for Primary Key Styles

      The Completed Instructor Table Design

    Naming the Instructor Table

    Design of the Student Table

    Design of the Course Table

    Design of the Enrollment Table

    Editing a Table Design

    A Few Words on Data Types for Those with a Microsoft Access Background

    Retrieve Data from Table

    School Database Diagram

    Creating a New Relationship

    Course-Instructor Relationship

    Enrollment-Course Relationship

    Enrollment-Student Relationship

    The Completed Database Diagram

    Saving a Database Diagram

    Examining a Table's Properties

    Creating a New View

      Hiding Panes in the View Design Windows

      Displaying Records from a View

    Saving the View

    Retrieving Data from a Closed View

    Considerations with Respect to Ordering Views

    Creating a Stored Procedure

    Editing a Stored Procedure

    Creating a Stored Procedure Using the SqlDataAdapter

    Creating a Function

    Database Maintenance Operations You Can't Do with Visual Studio


    Further Reading

13. Using the Data Form and DataAdapter Wizards in Windows Applications.

    Wizard Overview

    Creating the Data Form

      What the Wizard Creates

    Examining the Generated Code

      Variable Declarations

      Instantiations and Initializations

    Methods Created by the Data Form Wizard

      Methods Used as Event Handlers

      Non-Event Handler Methods

    Code Walkthrough for Various Functional Operations

      Loading Data

      Updating Data

      Canceling All Changes

      Adding a Record for a Publisher

      Deleting a Publishers Record

      Canceling Changes to a Publishers Record

      Navigating the Publishers Table

    Breaking Away from the Data Form Wizard

      Creating a SqlClient Data Form Using the Data Form Wizard and the SqlDataAdapter Wizard

    Next Steps


    Further Reading

14. Data Binding in Windows Applications.

    Overview of Data Binding

      Data Binding Categories: Read-Only vs. Read-Write, and Simple vs. Complex

    Potential Data Sources and Support for the IList Interface

      .NET Classes That Implement the IList Interface

    The BindingContext

    The CurrencyManager Object

    The PropertyManager Object

    Data-Bound Objects

      Simple Binding: The TextBox Control

      Complex Binding: The ComboBox Control

      The DataGrid Control

    Matching the Data Source in Navigational Statements to the Data Source in a Data Binding

    Binding Form Controls to a DataSet

    Binding an Object Property to a Table Value

    Important BindingContext and DataSet Methods

    Using the CurrencyManager for Nontable Bindings

    Binding Multiple Form Controls to Different Properties of a Single Object

    Binding Multiple Properties of One Object to Multiple Properties of Another Object

    Binding Form Controls to an ArrayList of Objects

      Read-Only Limitations of the BindingToArrayListOfObjects Application

    Read-Write Binding

      Implementing Read-Write Binding to a Custom Collection of Objects

      Sample Application: ReadWriteBindableCollection

      How ReadWriteBindableCollection Works

      The Product Class

      The Products Class

      Additional Work Required to Make the ReadWriteBindableCollection App Database Connectable

    Applications on the Code Website


    Further Reading

15. ADO.NET and XML.


    XML-Related Methods of the DataSet Class

    Reading and Writing XML Schemas
