$680$537 -
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$700Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Step by Step
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The perfect reference for end-users (accounting clerks, sales reps, shipping and receiving clerks, human resources employees, etc.) who merely use SAP as a tool to get their job done. Much of the coverage is aimed at "immediate" material so that end-users can get back to work on their job functions with the SAP software. Chapters on navigation, integration with Microsoft Office, reporting, business process, and performing common tasks will jump start you into getting work done, and accomplishing more immediately.
完美的參考資料,適合終端使用者(如會計文員、銷售代表、收發文員、人力資源員工等),他們僅將 SAP 作為完成工作的工具。大部分內容針對「即時」的資料,讓終端使用者能夠迅速回到使用 SAP 軟體進行工作。關於導航、與 Microsoft Office 整合、報告、業務流程以及執行常見任務的章節,將幫助您迅速開始工作,並立即完成更多任務。