Hibernate Made Easy: Simplified Data Persistence with Hibernate and JPA (Java Persistence API) Annotations (Paperback)

Cameron Wallace McKenzie




If HIBERNATE makes Java-based, data-persistence, so incredibly easy to perform, then why do all of the most popular resources make Hibernate technology so darned impossible to learn? Well, learning Hibernate doesn't have to be hard anymore; not with a copy of HIBERNATE MADE EASY by your side! Cameron McKenzie's, Hibernate Made Easy, finally brings to light the idea that a technology that is fun and easy to use, should also be fun and easy to learn. Building upon simple, straight forward examples that make even the most difficult topics easy to understand, this book explores all of the key concepts that you absolutely must know in order to start effectively leveraging the Hibernate framework. Discarding the old, XML based, -hbm- mapping files, Hibernate Made Easy will show you how to simplify your designs by leveraging both Hibernate and JPA annotations together, making your applications more manageable, maintainable, and most importantly, faster and easier to develop! From the fundamental, Create, Retrieve, Update & Delete operations, to the mapping of complex inheritance hierarchies, Hibernate Made Easy explains it, using a friendly and conversational style that reads less like a technical book, and more like an informative conversation with a Hibernate expert. And while the examples in the book are incredibly easy to follow and reproduce (---there are no code errors in this book -- that is guaranteed!---), the concepts this book will help you learn will empower you to solve even the most daunting programming challenges. From managing transactions over an HTTP based request-response cycle, to implementing highly advanced Data Access Objects (DAOs) with Java 5 generics, this book will teach you what you really need to know about Java based persistence with Hibernate. If you want to learn Hibernate, if you want to learn Hibernate quickly, and you want it explained in a manner that is easy to follow and understand, there really is no other choice. Get a copy of Cameron McKenzie's Hibernate Made Easy today! For more information, check out hiberbook.com


如果 HIBERNATE 讓基於 Java 的資料持久化變得如此簡單,那麼為什麼所有最受歡迎的資源卻讓 Hibernate 技術變得如此難以學習呢?其實,學習 Hibernate 不必再這麼困難;有了《HIBERNATE MADE EASY》這本書在你身邊,一切都會變得簡單!

Cameron McKenzie 的《Hibernate Made Easy》終於揭示了這樣一個觀點:一項有趣且易於使用的技術,學習起來也應該是有趣且簡單的。這本書基於簡單明瞭的範例,讓即使是最困難的主題也變得易於理解,探討了你必須了解的所有關鍵概念,以便有效利用 Hibernate 框架。摒棄舊有的基於 XML 的 -hbm- 映射文件,《Hibernate Made Easy》將教你如何通過結合使用 Hibernate 和 JPA 註解來簡化設計,使你的應用程式更易於管理、維護,最重要的是,開發起來更快、更簡單!

從基本的創建、檢索、更新和刪除操作,到複雜繼承層次結構的映射,《Hibernate Made Easy》以友好且對話式的風格解釋這些內容,讀起來更像是與 Hibernate 專家的資訊性對話,而不是一本技術書籍。

雖然書中的範例非常容易跟隨和重現(這本書中沒有代碼錯誤——這是有保證的!),但這本書將幫助你學習的概念將使你能夠解決即使是最艱鉅的程式設計挑戰。從管理基於 HTTP 的請求-回應循環中的交易,到使用 Java 5 泛型實現高度進階的資料存取物件 (DAOs),這本書將教你有關基於 Java 的持久化與 Hibernate 的真正所需知識。

如果你想學習 Hibernate,想快速學習 Hibernate,並希望以易於跟隨和理解的方式解釋,那麼真的沒有其他選擇。今天就獲得一份 Cameron McKenzie 的《Hibernate Made Easy》吧!欲了解更多資訊,請訪問 hiberbook.com。