Getting Started with Flex 3: An Adobe Developer Library Pocket Guide for Developers

Jack D. Herrington, Emily Kim




Discover how easy RIA development can be with this one-of-a-kind handbook from the Adobe Developer Library. Several clear, step-by-step mini-tutorials teach you about web services, event handling, designing user interfaces with reusable components, and more. After finishing this guide, you'll be able to build Flash applications ranging from widgets to full-featured RIAs using the Flex SDK and Flex Builder 3.0. With Getting Started with Flex 3, you will:

  • Walk through sample RIA projects and see examples of amazing applications people have built with Flex
  • Work with ActionScript 3.0 and the MXML markup language
  • Build user interfaces using the controls and tools available with the framework
  • Get a tour of controls available commercially and through open source
  • Learn how Flex integrates with ASP.NET, ColdFusion, PHP, and J2EE in the server
  • Build Flex-based widgets that let you display real-time data
  • Use advanced controls to build 3D graphs, data dashboards, mapping applications, and more
You'll find complete code for video players, a slideshow, a chat client, and an RSS reader, just to name a few. You also get plenty of tips, tricks, and techniques to leverage your existing programming skills, whether you come from an open source or Visual Studio-intensive background.


這本獨一無二的手冊來自Adobe Developer Library,讓您發現RIA開發可以有多麼簡單。透過數個清晰、逐步的迷你教學,您將學習有關網路服務、事件處理、使用可重複使用元件設計使用者介面等等的知識。在完成本指南後,您將能夠使用Flex SDK和Flex Builder 3.0建立從小工具到功能完整的RIA的Flash應用程式。透過《Getting Started with Flex 3》,您將能夠:

- 透過範例RIA專案,了解使用Flex所建立的令人驚豔的應用程式範例
- 使用ActionScript 3.0和MXML標記語言
- 使用框架提供的控制項和工具建立使用者介面
- 瀏覽商業和開源提供的控制項
- 了解Flex如何與ASP.NET、ColdFusion、PHP和J2EE整合
- 建立基於Flex的小工具,讓您顯示即時資料
- 使用高級控制項建立3D圖表、資料儀表板、地圖應用程式等等

書中提供了完整的程式碼,包括影片播放器、幻燈片展示、聊天客戶端和RSS閱讀器等等。此外,您還將獲得許多技巧和技巧,以充分發揮您現有的程式設計技能,無論您是來自開源還是Visual Studio密集的背景。