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This introductory book on optimization (mathematical programming) includes coverage on linear programming, nonlinear programming, integer programming and heuristic programming; as well as an emphasis on model building using Excel and Solver. The emphasis on model building (rather than algorithms) is one of the features that makes this book distinctive. Most books devote more space to algorithmic details than to formulation principles. These days, however, it is not necessary to know a great deal about algorithms in order to apply optimization tools, especially when relying on the spreadsheet as a solution platform. The emphasis on spreadsheets is another feature that makes this book distinctive. Few books devoted to optimization pay much attention to spreadsheet implementation of optimization principles, and most books that emphasize model building ignore spreadsheets entirely. Thus, someone looking for a spreadsheet-based treatment would otherwise need to use a book that was designed for some other purpose, like a survey of management science topics, rather than one devoted to optimization. The model building emphasis derives from an attempt to be realistic about what readers need most when learning about optimization. At an introductory level, the most practical and motivating theme is the wide applicability of optimization tools. To apply optimization effectively, readers needs more than a brief exposure to a series of numerical examples, which is the way that most mathematical programming books treat applications. With a systematic modeling emphasis, readers can begin to see the basic structures that appear in optimization models and as a result, develop an appreciation for potential applications well beyond the examples in the book. Formulating optimization models is both an art and a science, and this book pays attention to both. The art can be refined with practice, especially supervised practice, just the way a student would learn sculpture or painting. The science is reflected in the structure that organizes the topics in this book. For example, there are several distinct problem types that lend themselves to linear programming formulations, and it makes sense to study these types systematically. In that spirit, the book builds a library of templates against which new problems can be compared. Analogous structures are developed for the presentation of other topics as well.
這本關於優化(數學規劃)的入門書籍涵蓋了線性規劃、非線性規劃、整數規劃和啟發式規劃,並強調使用 Excel 和 Solver 進行模型建構。對模型建構的重視(而非算法)是這本書的一個獨特特點。大多數書籍在算法細節上佔用更多篇幅,而不是在公式原則上。然而,如今,應用優化工具並不需要對算法有深入的了解,特別是當依賴電子表格作為解決方案平台時。對電子表格的重視是這本書的另一個獨特特點。很少有專門討論優化的書籍會對優化原則的電子表格實現給予足夠的關注,而大多數強調模型建構的書籍則完全忽略電子表格。因此,尋找基於電子表格的處理方法的人,否則需要使用一本為其他目的設計的書籍,例如管理科學主題的綜述,而不是專門針對優化的書籍。模型建構的重視源於對讀者在學習優化時最需要的內容的現實考量。在入門層面上,最實用且激勵人心的主題是優化工具的廣泛適用性。為了有效應用優化,讀者需要的不僅僅是一系列數值範例的簡要介紹,這是大多數數學規劃書籍處理應用的方式。透過系統的建模重點,讀者可以開始看到出現在優化模型中的基本結構,從而對潛在的應用產生欣賞,這些應用遠超過書中的範例。制定優化模型既是一門藝術,也是一門科學,而這本書同時關注這兩者。藝術可以通過練習來精煉,特別是經過指導的練習,就像學生學習雕塑或繪畫一樣。科學則體現在組織本書主題的結構中。例如,有幾種不同的問題類型適合線性規劃公式,系統地研究這些類型是有意義的。基於這種精神,本書建立了一個模板庫,以便將新問題與之進行比較。類似的結構也用於其他主題的呈現。