Probability and Statistics for Computer Science

James L. Johnson


A unique probability guide for computer science

While many computer science curricula include only an introductory course on general probability, there is a recognized need for further study of this mathematical discipline within the specific context of computer science. Probability and Statistics for Computer Science develops introductory topics in probability with this particular emphasis, providing computer science students with an invaluable resource in their continued studies and professional research.

James Johnson's text begins with the basic definitions of probability distributions and random variables and then elaborates their properties and applications. Probability and Statistics for Computer Science treats the most common discrete and continuous distributions, showing how they find use in decision and estimation problems, and constructs computer algorithms for generating observations from the various distributions. This one-of-a-kind resource also:

  • Includes a thorough and rigorous development of all the necessary supporting mathematics

  • Provides an opportunity to reconnect applications with the theoretical concepts of distributions introduced in prerequisite courses

  • Gathers supporting topics in an appendix: set theory, limit processes, real number structure, Riemann-Stieltjes integrals, matrix transformation, and determinants

  • Uses computer science examples such as client-server performance evaluation and image processing

The author also addresses a variety of supporting topics, such as estimation arguments with limits, properties of power series, and Markov processes. Johnson's text proves an ideal resource for computer science students and practitioners interested in a probability study specific to their field.





- 全面而嚴謹地發展了所有必要的支持數學
- 提供了將應用與先修課程中介紹的分佈的理論概念重新聯繫的機會
- 在附錄中收集了支持性主題:集合論、極限過程、實數結構、黎曼-斯蒂爾澤積分、矩陣變換和行列式
- 使用計算機科學的例子,如客戶端-服務器性能評估和圖像處理
