Identification and Management of Distributed Data: Ngn, Content-Centric Networks and the Web

Bartolomeo, Giovanni, Kovacikova, Tatiana



Although several books and academic courses discuss data management and networking, few of them focus on the convergence of networking and software technologies for identifying, addressing, and managing distributed data. Focusing on this convergence, Identification and Management of Distributed Data: NGN, Content-Centric Networks and the Web collates and describes the various distributed data management technologies to help readers from various backgrounds understand the common aspects that govern distributed data management.

With a focus on the primary problems in identifying, addressing, and managing information in a distributed environment, the book guides you through the discovery of distributed data management on the web, in next-generation networks (NGNs), and in new content-centric networking paradigms. It includes case studies from the Palo Alto Research Center and the Semantic Web Education and Outreach Interest Group that illustrate the convergence between software engineering and networking technologies.

Derived from academic courses, ongoing research, and the latest standardization initiatives, the book explains how the various layers of the existing Internet protocol stack already provide most of the functions that information engineers need to design efficient systems. Although the subject is broad, the book provides helpful insights into a number of critical technologies to provide you with the foundation required to build and deploy more efficient data interoperability paradigms in next-generation networks.


Giovanni Bartolomeo got his degree in software engineering in 2004 at the Universita degli Studi di Palermo; he won a Nortel Networks-funded prize that supported his research activity during his thesis development. As research collaborator with the Consorzio Nazionale Italiano per le Telecomunicazioni, he participated in several European Union-funded research and development projects and contributed to the World Wireless Initiative "Book of Vision 2008." Between 2008 and 2010, he served as an expert on the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETIS) Human Factors Technical Committee. Currently, Bartolomeo is technical officer at the Italian Ministry of Justice, and is still involved in different standardization efforts at the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS).

Tatiana Kovačikova received her diploma in telecommunication engineering from the University of Transport and Telecommunications in Zilina, former Czechoslovakia. She received her PhD in telecommunication systems from the same university in 1995. In 2004, she was appointed associate professor of information and management systems at the University of Zilina. From 1984 to 1988, she worked in the Slovak Telecom, and since then she has worked at the University of Zilina, Slovakia. In June 2010 she was appointed head of the Department of InfoCom Networks there. Kovačikova's research interests include Internet Protocol and next-generation network architecture, protocols, and applications, on which she has been involved in several national and international research projects. As a leader of a research group, she got the 2003 Siemens Award in the field of Internet Protocol telephony. Since 2002, Kovačikova has been actively involved in the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) GRID, Telecoms and Internet converged Service and Protocol for Advanced Networks (TISPAN), Human Factors, and Us