The Cognitive Early Warning Predictive System Using the Smart Vaccine: The New Digital Immunity Paradigm for Smart Cities and Critical Infrastructure

Termanini, Rocky



Here's an interesting revelation ... during the plague of Athens in 430 BC, the Greeks realized that people who had previously survived smallpox did not contract the disease a second time. In fact, these survivors were often called upon to attend to those afflicted with smallpox. Consider this book as the continuum of the Immunization legacy as applied to the digital world.

The business of attack-as-a-service (AaaS) is real and is not going away any time soon. The Russians and Chinese have recently been suspected of providing AaaS to nefarious organizations. This book offers the most innovative solution to this critical issue.

The Cognitive Early Warning Predictive System (CEWPS(TM)) described in the book replicates the human immune system and creates its counterpart, "the digital immune system". A CEWPS inoculates critical systems with vaccination as a service (VaaS). This is achieved through its Smart Vaccine(TM), the holy grail of digital immunity. From the CEWPS arsenal, the early warning predictive component is the intelligent and self-trained AI reasoning engine that acquires knowledge from past attacks and predicts, probable incoming cyberattacks.

The Cognitive Early Warning Predictive System Using the Smart Vaccine discusses asymmetric cyber warfare, the vulnerabilities of critical infrastructure, and the shortcomings of the anti-virus technologies. Next, it describes the enabling technologies required to build a "Digital Immune System."

CEWPS is the new paradigm that extends the continuum of cyber security. This book includes vivid attack scenarios on some major infrastructures and describes how CEWPS is used to deter and annihilate the attacks.




書中描述的認知早期預警預測系統(CEWPS(TM))模擬人類免疫系統並創建其對應物——「數位免疫系統」。CEWPS以疫苗作為服務(VaaS)為關鍵系統接種疫苗。這是通過其智能疫苗(Smart Vaccine(TM))實現的,這是數位免疫的聖杯。在CEWPS的武器庫中,早期預警預測組件是智能且自我訓練的AI推理引擎,能夠從過去的攻擊中獲取知識並預測可能的網路攻擊。




Dr. Rocky Termanini, CEO of MERIT CyberSecurity Group, is a subject matter expert in IT security and brings 46 years of cross-industry experience at national and international levels. He is the designer of the "Cognitive Early-Warning Predictive System" and "The Smart Vaccine(TM)" which replicates the human immune system to protect the critical infrastructures against future cyber wars.

Dr. Termanini spent five years in the Middle East working as a security consultant in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the UAE. Professor Termanini's teaching experience spans over 30 years. He taught Information Systems courses at Connecticut State University, Quinnipiac University, University of Bahrain, University College of Bahrain, Abu Dhabi University, and lectured at Zayed University in Dubai.


Dr. Rocky Termanini,MERIT CyberSecurity Group 的執行長,是 IT 安全領域的專家,擁有 46 年的跨行業經驗,涵蓋國內外。他是「認知早期預警預測系統」和「智慧疫苗(TM)」的設計者,該系統模擬人類免疫系統,以保護關鍵基礎設施免受未來網路戰爭的威脅。

Termanini 博士在中東工作了五年,擔任沙烏地阿拉伯、巴林和阿聯酋的安全顧問。Termanini 教授的教學經驗超過 30 年,他曾在康乃狄克州立大學、奎尼皮亞克大學、巴林大學、巴林大學學院、阿布達比大學教授資訊系統課程,並在迪拜的扎耶德大學講授課程。