Data Sketches: A Journey of Imagination, Exploration, and Beautiful Data Visualizations

Bremer, Nadieh, Wu, Shirley




In Data Sketches, Nadieh Bremer and Shirley Wu document the deeply creative process behind 24 unique data visualization projects, and they combine this with powerful technical insights which reveal the mindset behind coding creatively. Exploring 12 different themes - from the Olympics to Presidents & Royals and from Movies to Myths & Legends - each pair of visualizations explores different technologies and forms, blurring the boundary between visualization as an exploratory tool and an artform in its own right. This beautiful book provides an intimate, behind-the-scenes account of all 24 projects and shares the authors' personal notes and drafts every step of the way.

The book features:

  • Detailed information on data gathering, sketching, and coding data visualizations for the web, with screenshots of works-in-progress and reproductions from the authors' notebooks
  • Never-before-published technical write-ups, with beginner-friendly explanations of core data visualization concepts
  • Practical lessons based on the data and design challenges overcome during each project
  • Full-color pages, showcasing all 24 final data visualizations

This book is perfect for anyone interested or working in data visualization and information design, and especially those who want to take their work to the next level and are inspired by unique and compelling data-driven storytelling.


在《Data Sketches》一書中,Nadieh Bremer和Shirley Wu記錄了24個獨特的數據可視化項目背後的創意過程,並結合了強大的技術見解,揭示了創造性編碼背後的心態。從奧運會到總統和皇室,從電影到神話和傳說,探索了12個不同的主題,每對可視化項目都探索了不同的技術和形式,模糊了可視化作為一種探索工具和藝術形式之間的界限。這本精美的書提供了對所有24個項目的幕後故事的親密描述,並分享了作者的個人筆記和草稿的每一步。

- 關於數據收集、素描和編碼網絡數據可視化的詳細信息,包括作品進展的屏幕截圖和作者筆記本的複製品
- 從未發表的技術寫作,以初學者友好的方式解釋核心數據可視化概念
- 基於每個項目中克服的數據和設計挑戰的實用課程
- 全彩頁面,展示了所有24個最終的數據可視化項目



Nadieh Bremer is an astronomer turned data scientist turned freelancing data visualization designer. Shirley Wu studied business and finance, graduated as a software engineer, and is now an independent data visualization designer. Connected by a mutual love for visualizing data, they bring a unique approach to visualization and refuse to be tied down by convention and available tools. The results are beautiful, innovative, and inspiring.

They are both award-winning and internationally recognized data visualization designers. Their past clients include Google, UNESCO, SFMOMA, and the New York Times.


Nadieh Bremer 是一位從天文學家轉變為資料科學家,再轉為自由職業資料視覺化設計師的人。Shirley Wu 曾就讀商業和金融學,畢業後成為一名軟體工程師,現在是一位獨立的資料視覺化設計師。他們因對資料視覺化的熱愛而相識,並帶來了獨特的視覺化方法,拒絕受限於傳統和現有的工具。他們的作品美麗、創新且具啟發性。

他們都是屢獲殊榮且國際知名的資料視覺化設計師。他們過去的客戶包括 Google、聯合國教科文組織、舊金山現代藝術博物館和紐約時報。