An Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling: Modeling Natural, Social, and Engineered Complex Systems with NetLogo (Paperback)

Uri Wilensky, William Rand



The advent of widespread fast computing has enabled us to work on more complex problems and to build and analyze more complex models. This book provides an introduction to one of the primary methodologies for research in this new field of knowledge. Agent-based modeling (ABM) offers a new way of doing science: by conducting computer-based experiments. ABM is applicable to complex systems embedded in natural, social, and engineered contexts, across domains that range from engineering to ecology. An Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling offers a comprehensive description of the core concepts, methods, and applications of ABM. Its hands-on approach -- with hundreds of examples and exercises using NetLogo -- enables readers to begin constructing models immediately, regardless of experience or discipline.

The book first describes the nature and rationale of agent-based modeling, then presents the methodology for designing and building ABMs, and finally discusses how to utilize ABMs to answer complex questions. Features in each chapter include step-by-step guides to developing models in the main text; text boxes with additional information and concepts; end-of-chapter explorations; and references and lists of relevant reading. There is also an accompanying website with all the models and code.


快速計算的普及使我們能夠處理更複雜的問題,並建立和分析更複雜的模型。本書介紹了這個新知識領域中一種主要的研究方法論。基於代理的建模(Agent-based modeling, ABM)提供了一種新的科學研究方式:通過進行基於計算機的實驗。ABM 適用於嵌入於自然、社會和工程背景中的複雜系統,涵蓋從工程到生態學的各個領域。《An Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling》提供了 ABM 的核心概念、方法和應用的全面描述。其實作導向的方式,包含數百個使用 NetLogo 的範例和練習,使讀者無論經驗或學科背景如何,都能立即開始構建模型。

本書首先描述了基於代理的建模的性質和理由,然後介紹設計和構建 ABM 的方法論,最後討論如何利用 ABM 來回答複雜問題。每章的特色包括主文中的逐步指導來發展模型;附有額外資訊和概念的文本框;章末探索;以及參考文獻和相關閱讀列表。此外,還有一個附屬網站,提供所有模型和代碼。