Ruling the Root: Internet Governance and the Taming of Cyberspace (Paperback)

Milton L Mueller

  • 出版商: MIT
  • 出版日期: 2004-01-30
  • 售價: $660
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 328
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0262632985
  • ISBN-13: 9780262632980
  • 相關分類: Web-crawler 網路爬蟲
  • 立即出貨




In Ruling the Root, Milton Mueller uses the theoretical framework of institutional economics to analyze the global policy and governance problems created by the assignment of Internet domain names and addresses. "The root" is the top of the domain name hierarchy and the Internet address space. It is the only point of centralized control in what is otherwise a distributed and voluntaristic network of networks. Both domain names and IP numbers are valuable resources, and their assignment on a coordinated basis is essential to the technical operation of the Internet. Mueller explains how control of the root is being leveraged to control the Internet itself in such key areas as trademark and copyright protection, surveillance of users, content regulation, and regulation of the domain name supply industry.

Control of the root originally resided in an informally organized technical elite comprised mostly of American computer scientists. As the Internet became commercialized and domain name registration became a profitable business, a six-year struggle over property rights and the control of the root broke out among Internet technologists, business and intellectual property interests, international organizations, national governments, and advocates of individual rights. By the late 1990s, it was apparent that only a new international institution could resolve conflicts among the factions in the domain name wars. Mueller recounts the fascinating process that led to the formation of a new international regime around ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. In the process, he shows how the vaunted freedom and openness of the Internet is being diminished by the institutionalization of the root.

Milton L. Mueller is Associate Professor, Director of the Convergence Center, and Director of the Graduate Program in Telecommunications and Network Management at the School of Information Studies, Syracuse University.


Table of Contents:

1 Introduction: The Problem of the Root 1
I The Root as Resource
2 The Basic Political Economy of Identifiers 15
3 The Internet Name and Address Spaces 31
4 The Root and Institutional Change: Analytical Framework 57
II The Story of the Root
5 Growing the Root 73
6 Appropriating the Root: Property Rights Conflicts 105
7 The Root in Play 141
8 Institutionalizing the Root: The Formation of ICANN 163
9 The New Regime 185
III Issues and Themes
10 ICANN as Global Regulatory Regime 211
11 Global Rights to Names 227
12 Property Rights and Institutional Change: Some Musings on Theory 255
13 The Taming of the Net 265
Selected Acronyms 269
Notes 273
References 303
Index 311


在《統治根源》一書中,米爾頓·穆勒(Milton Mueller)使用制度經濟學的理論框架來分析因互聯網域名和地址的分配而產生的全球政策和治理問題。 "根源" 是域名層次結構和互聯網地址空間的頂部。它是一個分散和自願的網絡中唯一的集中控制點。域名和IP號碼都是有價值的資源,它們的協調分配對於互聯網的技術運作至關重要。穆勒解釋了如何利用對根源的控制來控制互聯網本身,例如商標和版權保護、用戶監控、內容規範以及域名供應行業的規範。


1. 簡介:根源的問題
2. 根源作為資源
3. 識別符的基本政治經濟學
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