Moving without a Body: Digital Philosophy and Choreographic Thoughts

Portanova, Stamatia

  • 出版商: MIT
  • 出版日期: 2024-02-06
  • 售價: $1,410
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,340
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 200
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 0262551179
  • ISBN-13: 9780262551175
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


A radically empirical exploration of movement and technology and the transformations of choreography in a digital realm.

Digital technologies offer the possibility of capturing, storing, and manipulating movement, abstracting it from the body and transforming it into numerical information. In Moving without a Body, Stamatia Portanova considers what really happens when the physicality of movement is translated into a numerical code by a technological system. Drawing on the radical empiricism of Gilles Deleuze and Alfred North Whitehead, she argues that this does not amount to a technical assessment of software's capacity to record motion but requires a philosophical rethinking of what movement itself is, or can become.

Discussing the development of different audiovisual tools and the shift from analog to digital, she focuses on some choreographic realizations of this evolution, including works by Loie Fuller and Merce Cunningham. Throughout, Portanova considers these technologies and dances as ways to think--rather than just perform or perceive--movement. She distinguishes the choreographic thought from the performance: a body performs a movement, and a mind thinks or choreographs a dance. Similarly, she sees the move from analog to digital as a shift in conception rather than simply in technical realization. Analyzing choreographic technologies for their capacity to redesign the way movement is thought, Moving without a Body offers an ambitiously conceived reflection on the ontological implications of the encounter between movement and technological systems.



數位科技提供了捕捉、儲存和操控運動的可能性,將運動從身體中抽象化並轉化為數位資訊。在《Moving without a Body》中,Stamatia Portanova 考慮當運動的物理性被技術系統轉換為數位代碼時,實際上發生了什麼。她借鑒了 Gilles Deleuze 和 Alfred North Whitehead 的徹底實證主義,主張這不僅僅是對軟體記錄運動能力的技術評估,而是需要對運動本身或其可能成為的樣貌進行哲學上的重新思考。

在討論不同視聽工具的發展以及從類比到數位的轉變時,她專注於這一演變的一些編舞實現,包括 Loie Fuller 和 Merce Cunningham 的作品。在整個過程中,Portanova 將這些科技和舞蹈視為思考運動的方式,而不僅僅是表演或感知。她將編舞思考與表演區分開來:一個身體執行一個動作,而一個心智思考或編排一支舞蹈。同樣,她將從類比到數位的轉變視為概念上的轉變,而不僅僅是技術實現上的轉變。分析編舞科技對重新設計運動思考方式的能力,《Moving without a Body》提供了一個雄心勃勃的反思,探討運動與技術系統之間相遇的本體論意涵。


Stamatia Portanova is Research Fellow at the Department of Human and Social Sciences, Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" (Naples) and the author of Moving without a Body: Digital Philosophy and Choreographic Thoughts (MIT Press). She has published articles in AI & Society, Body & Society, Computational Culture, Space and Culture, Fibreculture Journal, and Angelaki.


Stamatia Portanova 是那不勒斯東方大學人文與社會科學系的研究員,也是《Moving without a Body: Digital Philosophy and Choreographic Thoughts》(麻省理工學院出版社)的作者。她曾在《AI & Society》、《Body & Society》、《Computational Culture》、《Space and Culture》、《Fibreculture Journal》和《Angelaki》等期刊上發表文章。