The Remix Manual (Paperback)

Simon Langford

  • 出版商: Focal Press
  • 出版日期: 2011-03-30
  • 定價: $1,750
  • 售價: 8.5$1,488
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 448
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0240814584
  • ISBN-13: 9780240814582
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 4)



Can you turn a soulful ballad into a hit dance track, or make any Billboard hit your own? With this all-in-one guide to remixing, you can! Whether you're a professional DJ or producer, or are just beginning to mix tracks, this step-by-step guide will bring you through the entire process of making your own professional-quality remixes. Author Simon Langford, a renowned producer/remixer with over 300 remixes and chart-toppers under his belt, shares his years of experience and expertise in the most in-depth guide on the market. The Remix Manual covers creative processes, technical, legal, and contractual issues, and includes a unique remix "walk-through," and useful contacts and links. The companion website provides source files that illustrate all stages of the remix, as well as additional interviews, additional "walk-throughs," a "Buyer's Guide," and video tutorials and demo versions of the hottest mixing software.

A working musician and remixer, Simon Langford provides up-to-the-minute information on all aspects of the remix process, from the latest software tips and tricks to timeless artistic advice. While technical aspects are explained in detail, you also get a pro's advice on how to produce outstanding tracks by being aware of the original's message, style, and emotion. The creative side of remixing is explored from all angles, as a wide variety of industry insiders weigh in on key issues in exclusive interviews and quotes.

  • A one-stop guide to remixing from making creative choices to understanding contracts
  • Author has chart-topping remix experience and over 300 remixes to his name; get a pro's advice on how to produce outstanding tracks
  • Website includes samples and example tracks, illustrating the various stages of the remix.


你能將一首充滿靈魂的抒情歌曲改編成熱門的舞曲嗎?或者將任何一首Billboard熱門歌曲變成你自己的作品?這本全方位的混音指南《混音手冊》能夠幫助你實現!無論你是專業的DJ或製作人,還是剛開始學習混音,這本逐步指南將帶領你完成製作專業品質混音的整個過程。作者Simon Langford是一位著名的製作人/混音師,擁有超過300首混音作品和冠軍歌曲的經驗,他將在這本市場上最深入的指南中分享他多年的經驗和專業知識。《混音手冊》涵蓋了創意過程、技術、法律和合約問題,並包括獨特的混音實例以及有用的聯繫人和連結。附帶的網站提供了示範文件,展示了混音的各個階段,還有額外的訪談、實例演示、《買家指南》和最熱門混音軟件的視頻教程和演示版本。

作為一位從事音樂創作和混音的音樂家,Simon Langford提供了有關混音過程的最新信息,從最新的軟件技巧到永恆的藝術建議。雖然技術方面有詳細的解釋,但你還會得到一位專業人士的建議,即通過了解原曲的信息、風格和情感來製作出優秀的作品。從各個角度探索混音的創意一面,許多業內人士在獨家訪談和引用中提供了他們的觀點。
