Corporate Video Production: Beyond the Board Room (Paperback)

Stuart Sweetow




Go beyond the bland talking-head and PowerPoint slide-style of most corporate videos and learn how to land coveted corporate contracts with these comprehensive techniques from an industry veteran. Stuart Sweetow teaches you how to make imaginative corporate videos with eye-catching design, rhythmic editing tricks, and essential scriptwriting and interview techniques. Learn how to shoot on location or in a studio and how to work with employees-turned-actors. Also, discover how to get contracts and to produce online videos and podcasts for corporations, government agencies and non-profit organizations.


*Learn the ins-and-outs of producing high-quality corporate videos - including training videos, conference videos, podcasts, and interactive training - and learn how to land coveted corporate freelance contracts

*Written by an industry veteran who has written over 100 published articles and taught video production for seven years

*Enhance the quality of your current corporate videos with these tips and tricks on developing engaging scripts, shooting on location, and how to interview subjects - also includes forms and guides that you can use in your own work


超越大多數企業影片的單調講述和PowerPoint幻燈片風格,從業界老手那裡學習如何獲得垂涎的企業合約。Stuart Sweetow教授您如何製作具有吸引力設計、節奏感編輯技巧以及必要的劇本撰寫和訪談技巧的富有想像力的企業影片。學習如何在現場或工作室拍攝,以及如何與轉型為演員的員工合作。此外,還了解如何獲得合約並為企業、政府機構和非營利組織製作線上影片和播客。



*通過這些關於開發引人入勝劇本、現場拍攝和如何訪問主題的技巧和訣竅,提升您目前企業影片的質量 - 還包括您可以在自己的工作中使用的表格和指南。