The Unified Software Development Process (Hardcover)

Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh

  • 出版商: Addison Wesley
  • 出版日期: 1999-02-14
  • 定價: $1,250
  • 售價: 9.8$1,225
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 512
  • 裝訂: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 0201571692
  • ISBN-13: 9780201571691
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)




This landmark book provides a thorough overview of the Unified Process for software development, with a practical focus on modeling using the Unified Modeling Language. The Unified Process goes beyond mere object-oriented analysis and design to spell out a proven family of techniques that supports the complete software development life cycle. The result is a component-based process that is use-case driven, architecture-centric, iterative, and incremental. The Unified Process takes full advantage of the industry-standard Unified Modeling Language. This book demonstrates how the notation and process complement one another, using UML models to illustrate the new process in action. The authors clearly describe the semantics and notation of the different higher-level constructs used in the models. Constructs such as use cases, actors, subsystems, classes, interfaces, active classes, processes, threads, nodes, and most relations are described in the context of a model. Object technology practitioners and software engineers familiar with the authors' past work will appreciate The Unified Software Development Process as a useful means of learning the current best practices in software development.

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Appropriate Courses

Unified Modeling Language (UML).

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Table Of Contents



1. The Unified Process: Use-Case Driven, Architecture-Centric, Iterative, and Incremental.
The Unified Process in a Nutshell.
The Unified Process Is Use-Case Driven.
The Unified Process Is Architecture-Centric.
The Unified Process Is Iterative and Incremental.
The Life of the Unified Process.
The Product.
Phases within a Cycle.

An Integrated Process.

2. The Four Ps: People, Project, Product, and Process in Software Development.
People Are Crucial.
Development Processes Affect People.
Roles Will Change.
Turning “Resources” into “Workers.”

Projects Make the Product.
Product Is More Than Code.
What Is a Software System?
A System Has a Collection of Models.
What Is a Model?
Each Model Is a Self-Contained View of the System.
Inside a Model.
Relationships between Models.

Process Directs Projects.
Process: A Template.
Related Activities Make Up Workflows.
Specializing Process.
Merits of Process.

Tools Are Integral to Process.
Tools Impact Process.
Process Drives Tools.
Balance Process and Tools.
Visual Modeling Supports UML.
Tools Support the Whole Life Cycle.


3. A Use-Case-Driven Process.
Use-Case-Driven Development in Brief.
Why Use Cases?
To Capture the Value Adding Requirements.
To Drive the Process.
To Devise the Architecture and More...

Capturing the Use Cases.
The Use-Case Model Represents the Functional Requirements.
Actors Are the Environment of the System.
Use Cases Specify the System.

Analysis, Design, and Implementation to Realize the Use Cases.
Creating the Analysis Model from the Use Cases.
Each Class Must Fulfill All Its Collaboration Roles.
Creating the Design Model from the Analysis Model.
Subsystems Group Classes.
Creating the Implementation Model from the Design Model.

Testing the Use Cases.
Summing Up.

4. An Architecture-Centric Process
Architecture in Brief.
Why We Need Architecture.
Understanding the System.
Organizing Development.
Fostering Reuse.
Evolving the System.

Use Cases and Architecture.
The Steps to an Architecture.
The Architecture Baseline Is a “Small, Skinny” System.
Using Architecture Patterns.
Describing Architecture.
The Architect Creates the Architecture.

Finally, an Architecture Description!
The Architectural View of the Use-Case Model.
The Architectural View of the Design Model.
The Architectural View of the Deployment Model.
The Architectural View of the Implementation Model.
Three Interesting Concepts.
What Is Architecture?
How Is It Obtained?
How Is It Described?


5. An Iterative and Incremental Process.
Iterative and Incremental in Brief.
Develop in Small Steps.
What Iteration Is Not.

Why Iterative and Incremental Development?
Mitigating Risks.
Getting a Robust Architecture.
Handling Changing Requirements.
Allowing for Tactical Changes.
Achieving Continuous Integration.
Attaining Early Learning.

The Iterative Approach is Risk-Driven.
Iterations Alleviate Technical Risks.
Management Is Responsible for Nontechnical Risks.
Dealing with Risks.

The Generic Iteration.
What an Iteration Is.
Planning the Iterations.
Sequencing the Iterations.

The Result of an Iteration Is an Increment.
Iterations over the Life Cycle.
Models Evolve from Iterations.
Iterations Challenge the Organization.


6. Requirements Capture: From Vision to Requirements.
Why Requirements Capture Is Difficult.
The Purpose of the Requirements Workflow.
Overview of Requirements Capture.
The Role of Requirements in the Software Life Cycle.
Understanding the System Context Using a Domain Model.
What Is a Domain Model?
Developing a Domain Model.
Use of the Domain Model.

Understanding the System Context Using a Business Model.
What Is a Business Model?
How to Develop a Business Model.
Find Use Cases from a Business Model.

Supplementary Requirements.

7. Capturing the Requirements as Use Cases.
Artifact: Use-Case Model.
Artifact: Actor.
Use Case.
Artifact: Architecture Description (View of the Use-Case Model).
Artifact: Glossary.
Artifact: User-Interface Prototype.

Worker: System Analyst.
Worker: Use-Case Specifier.
User-Interface Designer.
Worker: Architect.

Activity: Find Actors and Use Cases.
Activity: Prioritize Use Cases.
Activity: Detail a Use Case.
Activity: Prototype User Interface.
Activity: Structure the Use-Case Model.

Summary of the Requirements Workflow.

8. Analysis.
Analysis in Brief.
Why Analysis Is not Design or Implementation.
The Purpose of Analysis: Summary.
Concrete Examples of When to Employ Analysis.

The Role of Analysis in the Software Life Cycle.
Artifact: Analysis Model.
Artifact: Analysis Class.
Artifact: Use-Case Realization—Analysis.
Artifact: Analysis Package.
Artifact: Architecture Description (View of the Analysis Model).

Worker: Architect.
Worker: Use-Case Engineer.
Worker: Component Engineer.

Activity: Architectural Analysis.
Activity: Analyze a Use Case.
Activity: Analyze a Class.
Activity: Analyze a Package.

Summary of Analysis.

9. Design.
The Role of Design in the Software Life Cycle.
Artifact: Design Model.
Artifact: Design Class.
Artifact: Use-Case Realization—Design.
Artifact: Design Subsystem.
Artifact: Interface.
Artifact: Architecture Description (View of the Design Model).
Artifact: Deployment Model.
Artifact: Architecture Description (View of the Deployment Model).

Worker: Architect.
Worker: Use-Case Engineer.
Worker: Component Engineer.

Activity: Architectural Design.
Activity: Design a Use Case.
Activity: Design a Class.
Activity: Design a Subsystem.

Summary of Design.

10. Implementation.
The Role of Implementation in the Software Life Cycle.
Artifact: Implementation Model.
Artifact: Component.
Artifact: Implementation Subsystem.
Artifact: Interface.
Artifact: Architecture Description (View of the Implementation Model).
Artifact: Integration Build Plan.

Worker: Architect.
Worker: Component Engineer.
Worker: System Integrator.

Activity: Architectural Implementation.
Activity: Integrate System.
Activity: Implement a Subsystem.
Activity: Implement a Class.
Activity: Perform Unit Test.

Summary of Implementation.

11. Test.
The Role of Testing in the Software Life Cycle.
Artifact: Test Model.
Artifact: Test Case.
Artifact: Test Procedure.
Artifact: Test Component.
Artifact: Plan Test.
Artifact: Defect.
Artifact: Evaluate Test.

Worker: Test Designer.
Worker: Component Engineer.
Worker: Integration Tester.
Worker: System Tester.

Activity: Plan Test.
Activity: Design Test.
Activity: Implement Test.
Activity: Perform Integration Test.
Activity: Perform System Test.
Activity: Evaluate Test.

Summary of Testing.


12. The Generic Iteration Workflow.
The Need for Balance.
The Phases Are the First Division of Work.
Inception Phase Establishes Feasibility.
Elaboration Phase Focuses on “Do-Ability.”
Construction Phase Builds the System.
Transition Phase Moves into the User Environment.

The Generic Iteration Revisited.
Core Workflows Repeat in Each Iteration.
Workers Participate in the Workflows.

Planning Precedes Doing.
Plan the Four Phases.
Plan the Iterations.
Think Long Term.
Plan the Evaluation Criteria.

Risks Affect Project Planning.
Manage a Risk List.
Risks Affect the Iteration Plan.
Schedule Risk Action.

Use-Case Prioritization.
Risks Specific to a Particular Product.
Risk of Not Getting the Architecture Right.
Risk of Not Getting Requirements Right.

Resources Needed.
Projects Differ Widely.
A Typical Project Looks Like This.
Complex Projects Have Greater Needs.
New Product Line Calls for Experience.
Paying the Cost of the Resources Used.

Assess the Iterations and Phases.
Criteria Not Achieved.
The Criteria Themselves.
The Next Iteration.
Evolution of the Model Set.

13. Inception Launches the Project.
The Inception Phase in Brief.
Early in the Inception Phase.
Before the Inception Phase Begins.
Planning the Inception Phase.
Expanding the System Vision.
Setting the Evaluation Criteria.

The Archetypal Inception Iteration Workflow.
Introduction to the Five Core Workflows.
Fitting the Project into the Development Environment.
Finding Critical Risks.

Execute the Core Workflows, Requirements to Test.
Capture the Requirements.

Make the Initial Business Case.
Outline Business Bid.
Estimate Return on Investment.

Assess the Iteration(s) in the Inception Phase.
Planning the Elaboration Phase.
The Deliverables for the Inception Phase.

14. The Elaboration Phase Makes the Architectural Baseline.
The Elaboration Phase in Brief.
Early in the Elaboration Phase.
Planning the Elaboration Phase.
Building the Team.
Modifying the Development Environment.
Setting Evaluation Criteria.

The Archetypal Elaboration Iteration Workflow.
Capture and Refine Most of the Requirements.
Develop the Architectural Baseline.
Iterate While the Team Is Small.

Execute the Core Workflows—Requirements to Test.
Capture the Requirements.

Make the Business Case.
Prepare the Business Bid.
Update Return on Investment.

Assess the Iterations in the Elaboration Phase.
Planning the Construction Phase.
The Key Deliverables.

15. Construction Leads to Initial Operational Capability.
The Construction Phase in Brief.
Early in the Construction Phase.
Staffing the Phase.
Setting the Evaluation Criteria.

The Archetypal Construction Iteration Workflow.
Execute the Core Workflows—Requirements to Testing.

Controlling the Business Case.
Assess the Iterations and the Construction Phase.
Planning the Transition Phase.
The Key Deliverables.

16. Transition Completes Product Release.
The Transition Phase in Brief.
Early in the Transition Phase.
Planning the Transition Phase.
Staffing the Transition Phase.
Setting the Evaluation Criteria.

The Core Workflows Play a Small Role in this Phase.
What We Do in the Transition Phase.
Getting the Beta Release Out.
Installing the Beta Release.
Responding to the Test Results.
Adapting the Product to Varied User Environments.
Completing the Artifacts.
When Does the Project End?

Completing the Business Case.
Controlling Progress.
Review of the Business Plan.

Assess the Transition Phase.
Assess the Iterations and the Phase.
Postmortem of the Project.

Planning the Next Release or Generation.
The Key Deliverables.

17. Making the Unified Process Work.
The Unified Process Helps You Deal with Complexity.
The Life Cycle Objectives.
The Life Cycle Architecture.
Initial Operational Capability.
Product Release.

The Major Themes.
Management Leads Conversion to Unified Process.
The Case for Action.
The Reengineering Directive Persuades.
Implementing the Transition.

Specializing the Unified Process.
Tailoring the Process.
Filling in the Process Framework.

Relate to the Broader Community.
Get the Benefits of the Unified Process.

Appendix A: Overview of the UML.
Extensibility Mechanisms.

Graphical Notation.
Structural Things.
Behavioral Things.
Grouping Things.
Annotational Things.
Dependency Relationships.
Association Relationships.
Generalization Relationships.
Extensibility Mechanisms.

Glossary of Terms.

Appendix B: The Unified Process-Specific Extensions of the UML.
Tagged Values.
Graphical Notation.

Appendix C: General Glossary.

Index. 0201571692T04062001

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這本具有里程碑意義的書提供了統一過程(Unified Process)在軟體開發中的詳細概述,並著重於使用統一建模語言(Unified Modeling Language)進行建模。統一過程超越了純粹的物件導向分析和設計,提供了一系列支援完整軟體開發生命週期的技術。結果是一個基於元件的過程,以用例驅動、架構為中心、迭代和增量的方式進行。統一過程充分利用了業界標準的統一建模語言。本書演示了符號和過程如何相輔相成,使用UML模型來展示新過程的實際應用。作者清楚地描述了模型中使用的不同高層構造的語義和符號。在模型的背景下,描述了用例、角色、子系統、類、介面、活動類、過程、線程、節點和大多數關係等構造。熟悉作者過去作品的物件技術從業人員和軟體工程師將會欣賞《統一軟體開發過程》作為學習軟體開發當前最佳實踐的有用手段。


