Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Indesign Collaboration and Workflow (Paperback)

Van de Wiele, Bart



Even if you're already comfortable with Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign, Adobe Creative Cloud now offers powerful opportunities for improving efficiency and collaboration that few design and marketing professionals are using. In this hands-on, full-color tutorial, Adobe Solutions Consultant Manager Bart Van de Wiele helps you master these innovations--dramatically improving both team and individual efficiency in every print, web, video, UX, or online marketing project.

Van de Wiele helps you establish powerful workflows that leverage the remarkable capabilities of Adobe's native file formats, and improve content collaboration via Adobe cloud documents and Creative Cloud Libraries. You'll find concise, focused insights for managing tradeoffs, so you can optimize workflows and collaboration strategies in your own organization. Packed with hands-on exercises built around realistic use cases, there's no better way to experience all the added value built into today's Adobe Creative Cloud--and discover all you can achieve by taking full advantage of Adobe's unparalleled integration and cloud resources.


即使您已經熟悉Photoshop、Illustrator或InDesign,Adobe Creative Cloud現在提供了強大的機會,可以提高效率和協作,但很少有設計和營銷專業人士使用。在這本實用的全彩色教程中,Adobe解決方案顧問經理Bart Van de Wiele幫助您掌握這些創新技術,從而顯著提高團隊和個人在每個印刷、網頁、視頻、UX或線上營銷項目中的效率。

Van de Wiele幫助您建立強大的工作流程,充分利用Adobe的原生文件格式的卓越功能,並通過Adobe雲端文件和Creative Cloud Libraries改善內容協作。您將找到簡潔而專注的見解,以管理權衡,從而在自己的組織中優化工作流程和協作策略。這本書充滿了圍繞實際使用案例建立的實踐練習,這是體驗當今Adobe Creative Cloud中內置的所有附加價值的最佳方式,並充分利用Adobe無與倫比的整合和雲端資源所能實現的一切。


Bart Van de Wiele started his career in 2002 as a graphic designer with a strong focus on print production and image retouching. His career quickly evolved into a life as an Adobe trainer, a consultant, and an author for InDesign Secrets and CreativePro Magazine. As a worldwide public speaker, he can often be found as a presenter at conferences like CreativePro Week and Adobe MAX covering a variety of design subjects and Adobe technologies. He is also a LinkedIn Learning instructor with a growing library of creative courses. In 2015, Bart joined Adobe as a Principal Solutions Consultant, specializing in Adobe design workflows and solutions. In 2022 he moved into a manager role at Adobe, currently supporting his own team of Solutions Consultants.


Bart Van de Wiele於2002年開始他的職業生涯,當時他是一位以印刷製作和圖像修飾為重點的平面設計師。他的職業生涯迅速發展成為一位Adobe培訓師、顧問和InDesign Secrets和CreativePro Magazine的作者。作為一位全球公開演講者,他經常在CreativePro Week和Adobe MAX等會議上擔任演講嘉賓,涵蓋各種設計主題和Adobe技術。他還是LinkedIn Learning的講師,擁有日益增長的創意課程庫。2015年,Bart加入Adobe擔任首席解決方案顧問,專注於Adobe設計工作流程和解決方案。2022年,他轉入Adobe的管理職位,目前支援自己的解決方案顧問團隊。