Probability and Statistical Inference 10th Edition

Hogg, Robert, Tanis, Elliot, Zimmerman, Dale


For one- or two-semester courses in Probability, Probability & Statistics, or Mathematical Statistics.




An authoritative introduction to an in-demand field



Advances in computing technology - particularly in science and business - have increased the need for more statistical scientists to examine the huge amount of data being collected. Written by veteran statisticians, Probability and Statistical Inference, 10th Edition emphasizes the existence of variation in almost every process, and how the study of probability and statistics helps us understand this variation.



This applied introduction to probability and statistics reinforces basic mathematical concepts with numerous real-world examples and applications to illustrate the relevance of key concepts. It is designed for a two-semester course, but it can be adapted for a one-semester course. A good calculus background is needed, but no previous study of probability or statistics is required.




013518939X / 9780135189399 PROBABILITY AND STATISTICAL INFERENCE, 10/e




《概率、概率与统计学或数理统计学》是一门为期一学期或两学期的课程。这本权威的导论书介绍了一个备受需求的领域。计算技术的进步,特别是在科学和商业领域,增加了对更多统计学家的需求,以分析正在收集的大量数据。《概率与统计推断》第10版由经验丰富的统计学家撰写,强调几乎每个过程中都存在变异,并且概率与统计学的研究如何帮助我们理解这种变异。这本应用概率与统计学导论通过大量的实际例子和应用来强化基本数学概念,以说明关键概念的相关性。它设计为两学期课程,但也可以适应一学期课程。需要良好的微积分基础,但不需要先前的概率或统计学学习经验。ISBN:013518939X / 9780135189399《概率与统计推断》第10版。


Robert V. Hogg (deceased), Professor Emeritus of Statistics at the University of Iowa since 2001, received his B.A. in mathematics at the University of Illinois and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in mathematics, specializing in actuarial sciences and statistics, from the University of Iowa. Known for his gift of humor and his passion for teaching, Hogg had far-reaching influence in the field of statistics. Throughout his career, Hogg played a major role in defining statistics as a unique academic field, and he almost literally "wrote the book" on the subject. He wrote more than 70 research articles and co-authored four books, including Introduction of Mathematical Statistics, 6th Edition with J. W. McKean and A.T. Craig; Applied Statistics for Engineers and Physical Scientists, 3rd Edition with J. Ledolter; and A Brief Course in Mathematical Statistics, 1st Edition with E.A. Tanis. His texts have become classroom standards used by hundreds of thousands of students.



Among the many awards he received for distinction in teaching, Hogg was honored at the national level (the Mathematical Association of America Award for Distinguished Teaching), the state level (the Governor's Science Medal for Teaching), and the university level (Collegiate Teaching Award). His important contributions to statistical research have been acknowledged by his election to fellowship standing in the ASA and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.



Elliot Tanis, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Hope College, received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Iowa. Tanis is the co-author of A Brief Course in Mathematical Statistics with R. Hogg and Probability and Statistics: Explorations with MAPLE, 2nd Edition with Z. Karian. He has authored over 30 publications on statistics and is a past chairman and governor of the Michigan MAA, which presented him with both its Distinguished Teaching and Distinguished Service Awards. He taught at Hope for 35 years and in 1989 received the HOPE Award (Hope's Outstanding Professor Educator) for his excellence in teaching. In addition to his academic interests, Dr. Tanis is also an avid tennis player and devoted Hope sports fan.



Dale Zimmerman is the Robert V. Hogg Professor in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Iowa.



Robert V. Hogg(已故)是愛荷華大學統計學名譽教授,自2001年起擔任該職位。他在伊利諾伊大學獲得數學學士學位,並在愛荷華大學獲得數學碩士和博士學位,專攻精算科學和統計學。Hogg以他幽默的天賦和對教學的熱情而聞名,對統計學領域產生了深遠的影響。在他的職業生涯中,Hogg在定義統計學作為一門獨特的學術領域方面發揮了重要作用,他幾乎可以說是“寫下了關於這個主題的書”。他撰寫了70多篇研究論文,並與J.W. McKean和A.T. Craig合著了四本書,包括《數理統計學入門,第6版》、與J. Ledolter合著的《應用統計學:工程師和物理科學家的視角,第3版》以及與E.A. Tanis合著的《數理統計學簡明課程,第1版》。他的教材已成為數十萬學生使用的課堂標準。 Hogg因其卓越的教學成就而獲得了許多獎項,包括國家級(美國數學協會傑出教學獎)、州級(州長科學教學獎)和大學級(大學教學獎)。他在統計研究方面的重要貢獻獲得了美國統計協會和數學統計學會的會士身份。 Elliot Tanis是霍普學院數學名譽教授,他在愛荷華大學獲得了碩士和博士學位。Tanis是《數理統計學簡明課程》(與R. Hogg合著)和《概率與統計學:MAPLE探索,第2版》(與Z. Karian合著)的合著者。他在統計學方面發表了30多篇論文,並曾擔任密歇根州數學協會的主席和理事,該協會授予他傑出教學和傑出服務獎。他在霍普學院教授了35年,並於1989年因其卓越的教學獲得了HOPE獎(霍普傑出教授教育者獎)。除了學術興趣外,Tanis還是一位狂熱的網球選手和忠實的霍普體育迷。 Dale Zimmerman是愛荷華大學統計學和精算科學系的Robert V. Hogg教授。