Adobe Animate CC Classroom in a Book (2017 release) (Adobe Animate CC 課堂實用手冊 (2017 版))

Russell Chun




Creative professionals seeking the fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Animate choose Adobe Animate CC Classroom in a Book (2017 release) from Adobe Press. The 10 project-based lessons in this book show users step-by-step the key techniques for working in Animate. Adobe Animate CC provides more expressive tools, powerful controls for animation, and robust support for playback across a wide variety of platforms. Learn how to use and create vector-based brushes for painterly effects. Gain more advanced control over complex animations with the new Camera tool, and learn to focus the action on different parts of the Stage. Support for SVG, WebGL, HTML5 animation and video, and seamless collaboration with other designers and with other Adobe applications through Creative Cloud libraries make Adobe Animate the ideal development environment for creative animation and multimedia.


The online companion files include all the necessary assets for readers to complete the projects featured in each chapter as well as ebook updates when Adobe releases new features for Creative Cloud customers. All buyers of the book get full access to the Web Edition: a Web-based version of the complete ebook enhanced with video and interactive multiple-choice quizzes. As always with the Classroom in a Book, Instructor Notes are available for teachers to download.


創意專業人士尋求學習Adobe Animate的最快、最簡單、最全面的方法,選擇Adobe Press的《Adobe Animate CC Classroom in a Book(2017年版)》。本書的10個基於項目的課程逐步展示了在Animate中工作的關鍵技巧。Adobe Animate CC提供了更具表現力的工具,強大的動畫控制功能,以及對各種平台的播放的強大支持。學習如何使用和創建基於向量的筆刷以獲得繪畫效果。通過新的相機工具,更高級的控制複雜動畫,並學習將動作集中在舞台的不同部分。支持SVG、WebGL、HTML5動畫和視頻,以及通過Creative Cloud圖書館與其他設計師和其他Adobe應用程序無縫協作,使Adobe Animate成為創意動畫和多媒體的理想開發環境。

在線配套文件包括讀者完成每章特色項目所需的所有資源,以及Adobe釋出新功能給Creative Cloud客戶時的電子書更新。購買本書的所有讀者都可以完全訪問Web Edition:這是一個基於Web的完整電子書版本,增加了視頻和互動多選題測驗。一如既往,《Classroom in a Book》提供了教師可以下載的教學筆記。