The Java Tutorial: A Short Course on the Basics, 5/e (Paperback)

Sharon Biocca Zakhour, Sowmya Kannan, Raymond Gallardo




The Java® Tutorial, Fifth Edition, is based on Release 7 of the Java Platform Standard Edition. This revised and updated edition introduces the new features added to the platform, including a section on NIO.2, the new file I/O API, and information on migrating legacy code to the new API. The deployment coverage has also been expanded, with new chapters such as “Doing More with Rich Internet Applications” and “Deployment in Depth,” and a section on the fork/join feature has been added to the chapter on concurrency. Information reflecting Project Coin developments, including the new try-with-resources statement, the ability to catch more than one type of exception with a single exception handler, support for binary literals, and diamond syntax, which results in cleaner generics code, has been added where appropriate. The chapters covering generics, Java Web Start, and applets have also been updated. In addition, if you plan to take one of the Java SE 7 certification exams, this guide can help. A special appendix, “Preparing for Java Programming Language Certification,” lists the three exams available, details the items covered on each exam, and provides cross-references to where more information about each topic appears in the text. All of the material has been thoroughly reviewed by members of Oracle Java engineering to ensure that the information is accurate and up to date.



《Java®教程,第五版》基於Java平台標準版的第7版。這本修訂和更新的新版介紹了平台新增的功能,包括一個關於NIO.2的部分,即新的文件I/O API,以及有關將舊代碼遷移到新API的信息。部署範圍也得到擴展,新增了一些章節,如“更多關於豐富互聯網應用”的章節和“深入部署”的章節,並在並發章節中新增了一個關於fork/join功能的部分。根據需要,添加了反映Project Coin發展的信息,包括新的try-with-resources語句,使用單個異常處理程序捕獲多個類型的異常的能力,支持二進制文字,以及鑽石語法,這導致更清晰的泛型代碼。更新了有關泛型、Java Web Start和小程序的章節。此外,如果您計劃參加Java SE 7認證考試,本指南可以提供幫助。特別附錄“為Java編程語言認證做準備”列出了三個可用的考試,詳細介紹了每個考試涵蓋的內容,並提供了在文本中更多關於每個主題的信息的交叉引用。所有材料都經過Oracle Java工程師的全面審查,以確保信息準確且最新。