Spring Into HTML and CSS (Paperback)

Molly E. Holzschlag

  • 出版商: Addison Wesley
  • 出版日期: 2005-04-22
  • 售價: $1,510
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,435
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 336
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0131855867
  • ISBN-13: 9780131855861
  • 相關分類: CSSHTMLJava 相關技術
  • 已過版




Table of Contents:



About the Author.

About the Series Editor.

1. Building an HTML Page.

    Declaring and Identifying the Document

    Adding the html Element

    The head and title Elements

    The meta Element

    The body Element

    HTML Comments

    Reviewing the Template

    Text Is Next!

2. Adding Text and Links.

    Using Headers Properly

    Adding Paragraphs

    Working with Page Breaks

    Ordered Lists

    Unordered Lists

    Nesting Lists

    Definition Lists

    The Good Old Link

    Email Links

    Intrapage Linking

    Adding Content to the Template

    Wrapping It Up

3. Adding Images, Media, and Scripts.

    The img Element

    Adding width and height Values

    Providing Alternative Text

    Linking the Image

    Linking to an Audio or Video File

    Embedding Files Using the object Element

    But Your Honor, I Object!

    Adding Scripts

    Scripting and Browser Concerns

    Imagine That!

4. Creating Tables.

    The table Element

    Adding a Table Row

    Adding Table Cells

    Adding Table Headers

    Adding a Caption

    Table Summaries

    Spanning Rows

    Spanning Columns

    Combining colspan and rowspan

    Grouping Table Columns: The col Element

    Grouping Table Columns with colgroup

    Grouping Table Rows

    The Table's Set

5. Building Forms.

    The form Element

    Adding an Input Textbox

    Adding Check Boxes and Radio Buttons

    Preselecting Checked Items

    Using Form Menus

    Working with Text Areas

    Reset and Submit Buttons

    Using a Graphic Submit Button

    Making Forms More Accessible with label

    Grouping Form Fields

    Grouping Menu Items

    Customizing and Advancing Your Forms

    Now That You're Well-Formed

6. Working with Frames.

    The Power of Three

    Creating a Frameset

    Adding Columns

    Working with Rows

    Combining Columns and Rows

    Margin, Resize, and Scroll Controls

    Naming and Targeting Frames

    Frames Without Frontiers

    Making Frames Accessible with noframes

    Wonderful Inline Frames

    You're Framed!

7. Using CSS.

    CSS Theory Simplified

    Adding Style Inline

    Using Embedded Style

    Creating a Linked Style Sheet

    Importing Style Sheets

    Commenting and Formatting CSS

    Time to Put Your Imagination to Work!

8. Working with Color and Images Using CSS.

    Color and CSS

    Adding Color to Backgrounds

    Spicing Up a Table Using Background Color

    Attaching a Background Graphic

    Controlling How Backgrounds Tile

    Positioning a Background Graphic

    Fixing and Scrolling Background Images

    Making a Background Color Transparent

    CSS Shorthand for Backgrounds

    Having Fun Yet?

9. Styling Text.

    Choosing Fonts

    Applying Font Families to Text

    Sizing Fonts

    Font Weight and Style

    Coloring Text

    Aligning Text

    Text Decoration

    Indenting Text

    Transforming and Varying Text

    Setting Line Height

    Spacing Letters and Words

    Modifying First-Letter and First-Line Text

    Using Shorthand for Font Styles

    Now You're Getting Fancy!

10. Link Effects, Lists, and Navigation.

    Working with Link States

    Modifying Link Styles

    Multiple Link Styles Using Class Selectors

    Styling Links Using Descendant Selectors

    Styling Ordered Lists

    Styling Unordered Lists

    Shorthand CSS for List Styles

    List-Based Vertical Navigation Using Color

    Vertical List Navigation with Image Effects

    Horizontal List-Based Navigation with Color

    Horizontal List Navigation with Images

    Rich Links, Lists, and Navigation

11. Margins, Borders, and Padding.

    Exploring the Box Model

    Using Margins

    Using Negative Margins

    Margin Shorthand

    Styling Borders

    Border Shorthand

    Using Padding

    Padding Shorthand

    Toward Gaining More Control

12. Positioning, Floats, and Z-index.

    Getting into Position

    Normal Flow

    Containing Blocks

    The Browser Viewport

    Absolute Positioning: To the Root Element

    Absolute Positioning: To Another Block

    Relative Positioning

    Fixed Positioning

    Floating Elements

    Clearing Floats


    Just Like a Pro

13. CSS Layouts.

    Three Columns with Fixed Flanking Menus

    Three Columns with Masthead and Footer

    Nested Float

    Centered Designs

    Complex Layouts

    Repeat After Me

Appendix A: XHTML 1.0 Annotated Reference.

Appendix B: CSS 2.1 Annotated Reference.
