LabVIEW Programming, Data Acquisition and Analysis

Jeffrey Y. Beyon

  • 出版商: Prentice Hall
  • 出版日期: 2000-08-30
  • 售價: $1,911
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 368
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0130303674
  • ISBN-13: 9780130303677
  • 相關分類: LabVIEW
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約5~7天)






  • Master LabVIEW programming — hands-on!
  • Learn through real-world data acquisition and analysis applications
  • Dozens of key techniques presented through easy-to-adapt templates
  • Extensively classroom-tested with professional engineers
  • CD-ROM: Tools, templates, and complete LabVIEW evaluation version

Master LabVIEW programming from the ground up — fast!

LabVIEW Programming, Data Acquisition and Analysis is your easy, hands-on guide to LabVIEW programming and data analysis. Whether you're learning LabVIEW from the ground up, or updating knowledge you already have, Jeffrey Beyon covers every key technique you need to build reliable, high-performance applications. You'll start with the basics: the structure of LabVIEW source files; using sub VIs; loops and conditional statements; data display; data types; and the prerequisites for data acquisition, including sampling theorems and data acquisition VIs. Next, Beyon covers every key category of data acquisition and analysis application — analog and digital, input and output. Coverage includes:

  • Practical techniques for data save/read, data conversion, and much more
  • Tips and tricks for memory management, large file management, and more
  • Implementing each leading data analysis VI
  • Instrument control, counters, and more
  • Avoiding and troubleshooting common LabVIEW programming problems

Most examples are presented in the form of software templates that are easy enough to understand quickly, and robust enough to serve as building blocks for real-world solutions. You'll find detailed, end-of-chapter review questions; an accompanying lab workbook is also available. Whether you're a field engineer, scientist, researcher, or student, there's no faster way to get results with LabVIEW!


  • Complete library of LabVIEW tools and templates
  • Full LabVIEW evaluation version

Companion lab workbook: Hands-On Exercise Manual for LabVIEW Programming, Data Acquisition and Analysis

Table of Contents

1. Graphical Language.

History of Computers and Languages. Graphical Programming Language LabVIEW. Results of Case Study. Conventions.

2. Structure of VI.

Front Panel and Diagram Window. Objects in VI: Controls and Indicators. Wiring Technique. Tools, Controls, and Functions Palettes. Problems.

3. Sub VI.

Definition of Sub VI. Creating a Sub VI. Creating Online Help Text for a Sub VI. Security Settings of a Sub VI. Option Settings of a Sub VI. SubVI Node Setup. Alternative Way of Creating a Sub VI. Problems.

4. Loops and Conditional Statements.

For Loop. While Loop. Case Structure. Case Structure with Multiple Frames. Sequence Structure. Global Variable and Local Variable. Formula Node. Autoindexing and Shift Register. Problems.

5. Data Display.

Waveform Chart. Waveform Graph. XY Graph. Intensity Chart and Intensity Graph. Problems.

6. Arrays and Clusters.

Arrays. Clusters. Comparison of Functions. Problems.

7. Prerequisite for Data Acquisition.

Sampling Theorem. Analog Input Signal. Data Acquisition Hardware and Driver Software. Specification of Hardware. Problems.

8. Data Acquisition: Analog Input.

Sampling Signals. AI Acquire (High-Level VI). Modifying High-Level VIs. High-Level Analog Input VIs. Intermediate-Level Analog Input VIs. Software Timing and Hardware Timing. Buffered and Nonbuffered Acquisition. Gain and Channel String for Analog Input. Triggered Acquisition. Acquisition with External Clock. Analog Input Utility VIs. DAQ Occurrence. Problems.

9. Data Acquisition: Analog Output.

Signal Generation. Analog Output Utility VIs. High-Level Analog Output VIs. Intermediate-Level Analog Output VIs. Single/Circular-Buffered Waveform Generation. Gain and Channel String for Analog Output. Triggered AO and Simultaneous AI/AO. Waveform Generation with External Clock. Problems.

10. Data Acquisition: Digital I/O and Counters.

Relays and Switches (Digital I/O). Data Acquisition with Counters. Problems.

11. File Input and Output.

High-Level File I/O VIs. Intermediate-Level File I/O VI and Functions. Additional File I/O Subpalettes. Writing 1-D Data in Binary Format. Reading 1-D Binary Data. Writing 1-D Data in Binary Format Continuously. Reading 1-D Binary Data Continuously. Writing 2-D Data in Binary Format. Reading 2-D Binary Data. Writing/Reading 2-D Binary Data Continuously. Writing Data in ASCII Format. Reading ASCII Data. Writing Data in ASCII Format Continuously. Writing Data in Both ASCII and Binary Format. Reading a Mixture of ASCII and Binary Data. Two Easy Ways to Save Data. Problems.

12. String Manipulation.

Format & Append and Format & Strip. Format Into String and Scan From String. Conversion between Array and Spreadsheet String. Conversion of Binary String to Numeric Data. Problems.

13. Instrument Control.

GPIB (IEEE-488). RS-232, RS-449, RS-422, and RS-423. VISA. Functions for GPIB. VIs for Serial Communications. Functions and VIs for VISA. Testing Serial Communication. Parallel Port for Serial Communication. String Data from Instruments. Problems.

14. Data Analysis.

Linear and Nonlinear System Analysis. Stochastic and Deterministic Data Analysis. Time and Frequency Domain Data Analysis. Matrix and Vector Representation of Data. Analysis Subpalettes. Problems.

15. Building an Application.

Palette Customization. Occurrences. Memory Management. Use of C/C++ Codes in LabVIEW. Building an Application. Suggestions for Further Reading.

Appendix A: CIN and Code Warrior for Power Macintosh.

Creating a CIN using Metrowerks Code Warrior. Simple C++ Code for 1-D Array Data Type. Simple C++ Code for 2-D Array Data Type.

Appendix B: Error Handler Design.



《LabVIEW程式設計、資料擷取與分析》是一本實踐性的指南,讓您能夠從頭開始快速掌握LabVIEW程式設計和資料分析。無論您是從頭學習LabVIEW,還是更新現有知識,Jeffrey Beyon都涵蓋了您建立可靠、高效應用程式所需的每個關鍵技巧。您將從基礎知識開始:LabVIEW源文件的結構、使用子VI、迴圈和條件語句、資料顯示、資料類型以及資料擷取的先決條件,包括取樣定理和資料擷取VI。接下來,Beyon涵蓋了每個關鍵的資料擷取和分析應用類別,包括模擬和數位輸入和輸出。內容包括:

- 實用的資料儲存/讀取、資料轉換等技巧
- 記憶體管理、大型檔案管理等技巧和訣竅
- 實現每個主要的資料分析VI
- 儀器控制、計數器等技巧
- 避免和解決常見的LabVIEW程式設計問題



- 完整的LabVIEW工具和模板庫
- 完整的LabVIEW評估版本



1. 圖形化語言
2. VI的結構
3. 子VI
4. 迴圈和條件語句
5. 資料顯示
6. 陣列和群集
7. 資料擷取的先決條件
8. 資料擷取