Essential PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0: A Guide for New and Current Users (Paperback)

Brent Maxfield




Learn how to use PTC® Mathcad Prime® 3.0, one of the world's leading tools for technical computing, in the context of engineering, science, and math applications. Quickly harness the power of PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 to solve both simple and complex problems. Essential PTC® Mathcad Prime® 3.0 is perfect for college students, first-time users, and experienced Mathcad 15 users who are moving to PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0.

Updated from Maxfield's popular Essential Mathcad, this book introduces the most powerful functions and features of the new PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 software and teaches how to apply them to create comprehensive calculations for any quantitative subject. Examples from several fields demonstrate the power and utility of PTC Mathcad's tools while also demonstrating how users can eff ectively incorporate Microsoft® Excel spreadsheets into the software.

  • Learn the basics faster: Chapter 1 introduces many fundamentals of Mathcad, allowing the reader to begin using the program in less time.
  • Learn PTC Mathcad tools in context: Incorporates many applied examples and problems from a wide
    variety of disciplines.
  • Thorough discussion of many PTC Mathcad tools: Units, arrays, plotting, solving, symbolic calculations, programming, algebra, calculus, differential equations, reading from files, writing to files, and incorporating MS Excel spreadsheets.
  • Each copy of the book includes a code to download PTC® Mathcad Prime® 3.0 Student Edition, giving
    the user a full year of use from the time of installation. (The Student Edition software is intended for educational purposes only.)


學習如何在工程、科學和數學應用的背景下使用 PTC® Mathcad Prime® 3.0,這是世界領先的技術計算工具之一。快速利用 PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 的功能解決簡單和複雜的問題。《Essential PTC® Mathcad Prime® 3.0》非常適合大學生、初次使用者以及從 Mathcad 15 轉換到 PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 的有經驗的使用者。

這本書是 Maxfield 的熱門書籍《Essential Mathcad》的更新版,介紹了新版 PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 軟體的最強大功能和特點,並教授如何應用它們來創建任何量化主題的全面計算。來自多個領域的示例展示了 PTC Mathcad 工具的強大和實用性,同時還展示了使用者如何有效地將 Microsoft® Excel 試算表整合到軟體中。

  • 更快地學習基礎知識:第1章介紹了 Mathcad 的許多基礎知識,讓讀者能夠在更短的時間內開始使用該程式。

  • 在上下文中學習 PTC Mathcad 工具:結合了許多應用實例和來自各種學科的問題。

  • 對許多 PTC Mathcad 工具進行詳細討論:單位、陣列、繪圖、求解、符號計算、程式設計、代數、微積分、微分方程、從檔案讀取、寫入檔案以及整合 MS Excel 試算表。

  • 每本書都附有一個代碼,可下載 PTC® Mathcad Prime® 3.0 學生版,使用者可以在安裝後的一年內免費使用。(學生版軟體僅供教育用途。)