Maya Python for Games and Film: A Complete Reference for Maya Python and the Maya Python API (Hardcover)

Adam Mechtley, Ryan Trowbridge




Maya Python for Games and Film is the first book to focus exclusively on how to implement Python with Maya. Written by trusted authorities in the field, this in-depth guide will help you master Maya Python, whether you're a seasoned technical artist looking to make the transition from MEL to Python or an aspiring artist not wanting to scramble for information.

With this book, you'll:





  • Save yourself from having to scour the web for information on Maya Python-everything you need is in this book
  • Transition from MEL to Python seamlessly thanks to side-by-side comparisons of Python and MEL equivalents
  • Learn from award-winning titles like Uncharted: Drake's Fortune how to harness the power of Maya Python
  • Gain access to a powerful website, complete with script examples, scene files, additional scripts, and templates for API projects


《Maya Python for Games and Film》是第一本專注於如何在Maya中實現Python的書籍。這本書由該領域的權威人士撰寫,將幫助您精通Maya Python,無論您是一位經驗豐富的技術藝術家,希望從MEL轉向Python,還是一位有志於藝術的新秀,不想為尋找資訊而苦惱。

- 省去在網上搜尋Maya Python資訊的麻煩,這本書中包含您所需的一切。
- 通過Python和MEL等效對比,無縫地從MEL轉向Python。
- 學習如何利用Maya Python的強大功能,例如《神秘海域:德雷克的遺產》等屢獲殊榮的作品。
- 獲得一個強大的網站,其中包含腳本示例、場景文件、附加腳本和API項目的模板。