Introductory Statistics, 3/e (Hardcover)

Sheldon M. Ross





In this revised text, master expositor Sheldon Ross has produced a unique work in introductory statistics. The text's main merits are the clarity of presentation, contemporary examples and applications from diverse areas. Ross provides a clear explanation of intuition and the ideas behind the statistical methods. To quote from the preface, "It is only when a student develops a feel or intuition for statistics that she or he is really on the path toward making sense of data." Ross achieves this goal through a coherent mix of mathematical analysis, intuitive discussions and examples.

1. Introduction to Statistics
2. Describing Data Sets
3. Using Statistics to Summarize Data Sets
4. Probability
5. Discrete Random Variables
6. Normal Random Variables
7. Distributions of Sampling Statistics
8. Estimation
9. Testing Statistical Hypotheses
10. Hypothesis Tests Concerning Two Populations
11. Analysis of Variance
12. Linear Regression
13. Chi-Squared Goodness-of Fit Tests
14. Nonparametric Hypotheses Tests
16. Quality Control


在這本修訂版的教材中,資深講師 Sheldon Ross 創作了一本獨特的入門統計學著作。這本教材的主要優點在於清晰的呈現方式、來自不同領域的當代例子和應用。Ross清楚地解釋了統計方法背後的直覺和思想。引用自前言中的一句話:「只有當學生對統計學有了感覺或直覺時,他們才真正開始理解數據的意義。」Ross通過數學分析、直觀的討論和實例的有機結合來實現這一目標。

1. 統計學簡介
2. 描述資料集
3. 使用統計學總結資料集
4. 機率
5. 離散隨機變數
6. 正態隨機變數
7. 抽樣統計量的分佈
8. 估計
9. 檢定統計假設
10. 關於兩個母體的假設檢定
11. 變異數分析
12. 線性回歸
13. 卡方適合度檢定
14. 非參數假設檢定
15. 品質控制